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I wake up in my bed and I get up remembering that yoongi is still here I look at the clock and it says 8:00 I get up and go straight to yoongi's room since schools starts at 9:30. I walk into his room forgeting to knock I see him lying down shirtless I stair for a moment
(I forget to take of underline excuses the sudden change🙏)

I walk up to him and and tap on his shoulder"he growls and sits up and looks at me with a cheeky smile I say "it time to get up you can use the shower in here hurry up when your done you can go down to the kitchen and have some thing to eat" " you so nice" he says Making me slightly blush
"T-thank you" I mentally cures at myself for stuttering. " I'ma go get dressed see you down stairs?.."
I quickly leave and and go take a shower changing into this👇👇👇

" I quickly leave and and go take a shower changing into this👇👇👇

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(Everything but the hair style)

Ones I'm dressed I style my hair it down and curled and since my hair is red and purple I feel a little worried at what my classmates will think of me. But shrug it off never the less.

(This is what your hair looks like:))

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(This is what your hair looks like:))

I walk down stairs and start making breakfast. It seems my parents left already I guess I'll tell them after school as I making some eggs I feel two arms wrap around my waist and some one back hug me I flinch at this since it not usual to me and I turn to see yoongi looking at me with a huge gummy smile. I can't help but smile back but pull away from the hug any way" good morning"he says again I him in reply. "Want some eggs?" I ask him. "Sure" I make his plate and we sit at the table and eat. After we finish I ask him if he is ready he says yes and we head to school we take my car there even though I don't live far I mean why not.

Once we get there we head into school instantly I regret walking in with him because I get all kinds of death glares from girls soon enough he is being swarmed by every girl in school. I felt some one push me to the ground I get up and walk away but while I'm walking I feel something cut my arm I stop and look at my are and see I've been cut I turn and see a girl with a pocket knife with a evil smile on her face. I can see her mouth "stay away"

I run into a bathroom and soak my arm in the water I can hear yoongi's name being screamed outside by all his crazy fans I wander why he is so popular here besides the fact that he is so beautiful but that's besides the point I wrap my cut. I just happen to have a first aid kit in my bag because.... You can guess why no need to explain. I roll my sleeves done and leave the bath room I head to my first class with out the need to have help form yoongi. I get there and it's really boing class starts and the teacher walks in. "Everyone in your seats now and quietly" he looks in my detection and motions me to come up to the front. I stand up and head to the front.

"Everyone say hi to Y/N. She is new here I hope you will all treat here well please say hi Y/N"

"Hi everyone I'm Y/N" I say very shyly
He look twords a boy in the back and says "Taehyung can you show her around school for this class?" He stars at me in daze I look away and hear him say "sureeeee" he got up and walked me out

We were walking down the hall both quite till he broke the silence " nice to meat you I'm taehyung" he says thought I already know "n-nice to meet you I'm y-y/n."

Taehyung POV

Hearing her stutter was the most cutest thing ever it kind of make me blush I don't know why but I like her she is so short and her eyes are so adorably big and those freckles I think I'm in love we keep walking as I explained the classes and how to get to her other classes on her schedule.
The bell rings and we head down to her next class I drop her off and say our good byes I head to my next class and meet up with my group of friends called the Bangtan boys

(Time skip brought to you by jimins missing jams)

I'm walking to the cafeteria after class I get my lunch and head twords a table but I was stoped by a familiar voice I turn to see yoongi sitting with taehyung and 5 other boys and damnnn were they good looking.        "Y/N!!!" "Come sit over here" yoongi says. I walk twords the table and one of the boys scoots over and I take a seat next to him and yoongi. He smiles and gives me a slight side hug I gladly hug back. Right about now I am completely dead by the amount of hot boys I am surrounded by I think I'ma pass out . "Hows your first day so far Y/N" he asked  "so far boring the only good thing about today is meeting you guys" I say and giggle they start to blush. Taehyung says "I'd like you to meet the Bangtan boy there names are Namjoon, Seok Jin , Yoongi but I guess you know him apparently" I look at Yoongi to see him smiling happily at me and back to Taehyung as he continues"That's Hoseok, Jimin, and the youngest my bro jungkook . I look at him and he smiles and then looks at the floor and starts to fidget with his hands while blushing." You guys are all so adorable" I say proudly. idk why but I don't feel as shy around them. " Thx you to" jimin says while winking at me. "Should we ask her?" I hear joon say to Taehyung. "Ask me what?" I ask " oh- wel- i- was wondering if you w-wanted to go to a party tonight with us, my friend Jay park is the host so we'll have fun."Taehyung stutters. "Well I've never been to a party so...." "Really well if you go we'll make sure that you'll have fun."Namjoon states.

"I guess sooo."I say cautiously.
"Yayyyyy" I hear them all yell in sync. After that we all head to class and await the end of the day.

(Time skip brought to you by the God of Destruction)😂

We all meet up at the lockers and chat for a while" Well I'ma head home see tonight" I say as I look at Yoongi but he gives me a look that I'm sure means he be home soon. We all exchange my number. And say goodbye.
Hope you guys enjoyed this part can't wait to see how the boys will make sure she has fun at her first ever party. 🤭🤭🤭 And again I am sorry for any Grammer mistakes I hope you know what I mean when you read a mistake. But feel free to vote see you guys soon. 😊

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