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I decided to end my life and I took a blade and cut my right hand vein without any note. That what was the end of me. I thought so. I slowly engulfed in darkness where there was no fear of separation, abandonment, estrangement, running away or break up.-Abandonment

Now to the part where for the first time I attempted suicide for him.  Well, it was first time but definitely not the last time.  I gained my consciousness in the general ward of the Government Hospital.  Since it was a police case, I was brought here in.  The private hospital did some emergency medical aid and the police was called in.  On their insistence, I was shifted to the Government hospital.  I was a nobody at that time.  Just a 19 year old college student.  I was lying in the general ward with my mother as usual crying her eyes out and my father was consoling her.  I felt happy that if I died there was someone who cry for me.  That heartless boyfriend of mine was no where in the picture.  

I tried to act like I suffered from temporary memory loss and like in Bollywood movies character  I said,

"Ahh, it is hurting.  Where am I?  Who are you all?  oh.......its hurting terribly".

Immediately my mother and father  rose from the chair and came near the bed.  They just stared at me.  I was little bit shocked at seeing my father had cast on his left leg.  He was limping and I felt guilty.  I made them worried for no apparent reason.  That was the son inside me talking.  But the lover was really depressed with his life and he did the right thing by taking away his life.  How can he survive without his Arthit.  My mother slapped me at showing my over dramatic skills and told me very coldly which sent shivers down my body.

"Arthit is in police custody.  I hope now you are happy to send him to jail."

"No...nonooooooooooooooo............. but why? Why him?  He did not do anything.  Mae, please get him out of the jail.  I want him Mae and Por.  Please..........."

"All because you.  You tried to take away for life in his house.  It was because of him you are here safe and sound.  He came back from his office tour today morning and saw you lifeless with wrist cut and blood oozing out."

"You have any sense how worried we all were.  He called for an ambulance and taken to the private hospital.  He begged and convinced the duty doctor for some immediate medical aid and finally when the police came in, you got the best medical aid at the government hospital.  You have no shame Kong.  You even forgot that my leg is broken".

"But why is Arthit is in jail right now?  Please get him out.  Please...............I beg you".

"He is there for some interrogation regarding your suicide attempt.  He is not in jail.  But why did you this.  Tell me Kong.  Why?  You did not think of us.  What made you do that?  I don't it has anything to do with Arthit?

"Por, it is between Arthit and me.  I do not want to give the details about it.  Please forgive me.  I would not do it again.  Sorry Mae and Por."

I closed my eyes worried about my Arthit.  My mother said that he became very quiet.  It was he who lifted me when the ambulance came.  He did not want anyone to touch me.  He waited till I was out of danger and finally bandaged and injected sleep induce drugs to relieve me from pain.  He went with the police officers who explain the situation since a case would be filed against me for this cowardly act.   The police came and asked me questions as to why I tried to kill myself.  They asked me umpteen numbers of times whether it was Arthit who instigated me to do that.  I answered that it was my fault.  They informed me of the case against me and I that to be produced before the magistrate before the trial commenced.  I nodded and kept quiet.  Arthit did not enter the ward that whole day I was in .  I got the discharge the next day.  

Arthit stood there while my mother packed everything once the account was settled.  My father sat outside the ward and finally when I was changed into my normal clothing, Arthit just came forward and scooped me in his arms.  He refused to make me sit on the wheel chair since I was still weak to walk.  The whole hospital staffs watched in awe and some even clapped for that heroic act on the part of Arthit.  Arthit settled me in the cab in the front seat.  He next held my father and made him seated in the back seat followed by my mother and him.  

We reached my house and I feared that I would be forced to go with my parents which I did not want.  The reason was I would be burden to them and the other thing I did not want to be away from my lover.  My fear was erased when Arthit got down from the cab and helped my parents to the gate.  He said he would take care of me and left.  He sat at the back seat of the cab silently till we reached our destination.  He paid the driver and placed the baggage on the ground.  When I tried to get out, he very tenderly and sweetly once again scooped me in his arms and carried me up to his flat.  He placed me down and held my hand for fear I might faint.  He unlocked his flat and made me sit on one of the chairs.  He then went down to get my baggage.

We did not speak anything.  Since I was too intoxicated his sweet smell and his nearness, whereas he was engrossed in taking care of me.  I was laid on his bed after the shower.  He was fed soup and bread with some herbs in it.  I was given pills to be taken and finally some massage for my headache.  I laid to have some rest but I held his wrist in my hands.  He sat there on the bed, while I slept peacefully.  In the evening again the same ritual followed of being fed and taken care of.  We did not utter a word for the next two days.  My parents did not come to meet me since they knew I was in a better care.  They spoke to me on an hourly basis.  They blamed me only and not Arthit since Arthit was their most abled son-in-law.  

On the third day, my friends came to meet me and they chatted for a while.  Arthit went to his office for some urgent work.  As soon as they left, I felt bored and started walking around the house.  I felt little tired and slept on the couch.  I did not know when Arthit came back and when he prepared a meal for me.  But when my eyes opened, I saw a naked Arthit with just towel wrapped around him.  He was fresh out of the shower and was setting the table.  When I suddenly got up and pulled him in arms for a passionate kiss.  I don't know what happened to him.  He took me in his arms and kissed me back.  I squeezed his cabooses and pulled our nether region, too close, very close for our liking.  I missed him.

"Be my lover Arthit.  I want to make love to you.  Please".


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