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"Jin-Hyung! I'm going to go pick up your cake ok?" Jungkook yells from the front entrance while putting his coat on.

"Okay JK, be careful." His hyung says kissing the younger's cheek.

"Okay hyung." Jungkook chuckles and waves bye.


Jungkook sighs when he gets a 5th call from a same random number. He places the cake in the passenger seat and answers his phone.

-Yes, is this Jeon Jungkook?
-we are sorry to inform you but...your husband has past away.

Jungkook's heart stopped.

-we found him dead in his house, the neighbor had called because she heard loud sobbing.

Jungkook hung up immediately and drove off to their shared house. He past the speed limit but didn't care.

Once he arrived he quickly got out of his vehicle and ran to the front door. He opened it, surprised it was unlocked, and rushed in with his tears threatening to fall out.


"JK? What happened? Why are you coming in here in such a rush?" Seokjin quickly says coming out of the kitchen.

Jungkook's eyes widen, tears falling out his eyes. Jin saw this and frowns.

"Why are you crying babe?" Jin asks and wipes the tears off his cheek.

Jungkook sighed a heavy breath and hugged his husband. "Baby." Is all he said until Jin cut him off.

"Shhh, It's ok. Go get the cake." Jin smiled and kisses his cheek.

Jungkook nods his head and walked out towards his parked car.

He opens his passenger door but frowns when he spots no cake. He checks the back seats and the floor but couldn't find it. He picked it up, didn't he?

He shook his thoughts off and returned to the house sadly.

"Jinnie, I-" he stopped when he looked around and all the lights were off.

"Jin?" Jungkook said and walked towards the kitchen, but spotted nothing.

"Jin?!" He started to panic and checked the living room, seeing no one.

"JIN!" He yelled louder skipping steps to the upstairs.

He looked everywhere but there was no sign of his beloved.

"J-Jin!" He cries and slid down on the door.

He heard rustling downstairs and quickly got up, practically sprinting.

He saw the kitchen light on but didn't see Jin. He went to the front door and looked outside the close by window, he roams his eyes around his weirdly quiet neighborhood.

"Jungkook?" He heard the sweet voice say.

He turned around fast as ever to see his love again.

"Where did you go I got worried Jinnie!" He said running up to the older male.

"Jungkook your home!" Jin yells and starts running up to him. Jungkook was going to meet in the middle, but he passed right through him.

He stopped in his tracks and looked back, were Jin is hugging...him?

"You came back!" Jin cries and they both hug.

Jungkook watches them together.

Tears stream down his cheeks. "Jinnie. I'm right here..." he whispers.

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