c h e a t e r

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• slight 2seok

"This is the 2nd week you've been coming home late Jungkook." I sigh as he gets into bed thinking I was asleep.

"Oh? Sorry babe. I've been busy with work, you know how worked up my boss gets if we don't finish everything." He says placing his hands on my waist.

"He didn't used to do that Jungkook." I feel him frown since he doesn't like it when I call him by his full name.

"Babe please understand the situation right now." He continues, but I just ignore him and pretend to fall asleep.

When he stops trying to talk to me for about 5 minutes, he falls asleep and snores.

I open my eyes and take his arm off my waist and get out of bed.

I know he's a deep sleeper so he shouldn't hear me when I leave to go talk to my best friend.

I put on sweat pants and a coat and head out.


"So you know for a fact that he's cheating?" My friend Hoseok asks while handing me a bag Cheetos.

I open them and start crunching. Stress eating.

"Well...think about it Hobi. For the past two weeks he has been gone saying it's about work, when I know for a fact it's not because I know his boss, and he's a pretty chill guy. And at his 4 years working there, he never EVER stayed late and coming home at 11! For Christ sake he's supposed to get off at 6!!!" I yell and shove more Cheetos in my mouth.

Hoseok chuckles and shakes his head. "It sounds like it. But before you break up with him or do anything too drastic, talk to his boss or visit him at work on the times he's saying when he's working late." He says pushing his water bottle towards me.

I sigh and swallow my food. "That sounds good enough. I'll visit him tomorrow and talk to his boss. If he's not there than we are gonna have a problem." I say and chug some water down.

He smiles and nods. "Annnd if he IS cheating, what do you plan on doing. Go find who he's cheating on? Punch him? Just simply break up with him???" He continues asking while resting his chin on his palm.

I smirk and look at him. "I have something big in mind IF he does cheat. But if not then we won't have to do it."

"We?" He asks confused, furrowing his brows.

"Yes, we." I reply and stuff more Cheetos in my mouth.


I get back home around 3 in the morning after chatting with Hobi.

Jungkook goes to work around 8 and I won't have to worry going to his work until after 6 pm.

I yawn going into our shared room. I plop on the bed and snore lightly instantly falling asleep.


It's around 6 o'clock when I start heading out to my car.

I open the door and take a deep breath before driving off.

When I park it's 6:57. I had stopped for some ice cream to calm my nerves which is fine. The later the better.

I lock my car and head to the big glass doors.
When I open them I'm greeted by intern and she just smiles and waves because she know me.

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