. t h r e e .

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"lee entertainment ceo, lee taeyong, and seo designs top model, jung jaehyun, reportedly to have broken up after 5 years of being together." ten felt down as he read the article headlines.

"they really did it, huh?" he said lying down the bed beside johnny.

"who did what?" johnny cuddled up next to him keeping his face buried on the smaller's neck, leaving kisses. "taeyong and jaehyun broke up." ten replied.

johnny's head shot up and looked at his boyfriend. "they did? how come i never knew?"

"babe, it's all over the internet. don't you ever read?" he showed johnny the article he was reading. the taller widened his eyes at the words. "how are you calm about this? do you know about this?" johnny asked. ten immediately shut his mouth.

"ten..." johnny said in a warning tone. "what do you know?"

ten huffed loudly and sat up straight.

"when taeyong told me this, he didn't want anyone else to know. so you better shut your mouth and not tell anyone, or i swear no babe time for a month." ten gritted his teeth as he looked at his boyfriend straight in the eyes. "yes, sir." johnny nodded like a little kid.

"they both cheated."

"what? how? why? what?" johnny never ran out of questions and ten winced at the high-pitched voice his boyfriend was creating at the moment.

"taeyong told me he caught jaehyun on bumble using his own bumble, so you pick it up from there." it didn't take johnny a rocket scientist to figure things out. but he had a lot of questions in mind. "oh my god, that's why jae won't answer my messages."

"it's a mutual breakup, i guess they're okay."

ten entered the building immediately looking for taeyong. he dropped by his penthouse but he wasn't there anymore. he thought maybe he needed a friend right now since yesterday. he opened the door to taeyong's office and found him on his laptop with some papers on his table. he looked up from his table and saw ten with the door open.

"hey ten!"

ten was automatically weirded out. he's surprisingly okay? this is new, really new. back in college, he distinctly remember how taeyong would be bugged out about little things with jaehyun. and there was on time when they had an argument so bad they thought they almost broke up, and taeyong would raid ten's secret stash of alcohol beside the bed. now a real break up, and he's doing good? it's no secret he was expecting something more dramatic.

"wow you're... okay?"

"of course i'm okay, why wouldn't i be?" he asked so casually as if nothing happened last night. it's freaking ten out that he checked if taeyong was either drunk or sick. he touched the older's forehead and neck trying to see if he's getting hot.

"honey are you drunk? were you sick last night?"

"i'm not drunk, i'm not sick either." he smiled removing the other's hand.

"you sure? you're acting weird though." ten raised an eyebrow.

"ten, i'm fine. i promise i'm okay. the break up was mutual so there's really nothing to worry about." taeyong assured.

"alright fine if you say so." ten started to fix himself and walk back to the door. "i'm checking on the junior trainees today. call me if you need anything." they both smiled and went back to their work.

taeyong immediately closed his laptop and brushed his face with his palms. he was getting frustrated, he kept sighing and huffing. he spent his whole night crying feeling guilty that he cheated when in fact, jaehyun cheated too. i need booze. taeyong thought. he was fine, he just needed a distraction. and so he got his phone and dialed his friends.

𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 |  jaeyong [neo series]Where stories live. Discover now