. t w e l v e .

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jaehyun couldn't think. his mind was going hazy. his dream was finally happening. this was his chance to get taeyong back. probably not in the best way, but it's something.

"what?" is all jaehyun can say. he was at loss for words and taeyong found it adorable.

"might catch a fly in your mouth, jung." he tried to joke but it's only him who laughed. "but yeah, you kinda forgot to wear a condom when we had sex. so in conclusion, i'm pregnant and you're the father." he said so casually.

"why didn't you tell me sooner? i threw a fit because of nothing!" jaehyun said unbelievably before drinking his champagne.

"well i'm sorry, you walked out on me." taeyong said sassily rolling his eyes at jaehyun. "but you have nothing to worry about now. i'm not telling you to take care of the baby. it's okay if you don't acknowledge the baby as your own but i'm just letting you know. although i don't know if i should introduce you when he or she grows up."

jaehyun was once again speechless. he wanted to acknowledge the baby. he accepts the baby. but why is he acting like he's forced to interact with me because of the baby?

"what do you mean? you think i won't accept this baby?"

"well yeah, because you know..." taeyong shrugged before gulping, "we broke up. i'm okay with taking care of the baby by myself, you don't need to do anything."

"are you serious? what, we're not getting married?" jaehyun asked that made taeyong look back.

"we're not getting married." with furrowed eyebrows, taeyong stared at him eye to eye. "why did you think we were getting married?"

"come on taeyong, you don't want our baby to have a broken family now, do you?"

"jae, i know what you're saying but..." he sighed before adding, "we can't keep going like this. i mean we broke up, we both cheated. you wanted to continue cheating while we're having our baby?"

jaehyun couldn't speak. he couldn't believe what was happening between him and his ex. "you won't marry me?" he thought he had the chance.

"i will not marry you." he thought this will finally bring them back together. "yes, i have your baby inside me, but no, we're not getting married." he just thought. it's not like it'll happen.

jaehyun was in his balcony again, drinking. he wanted to be with taeyong again but he doesn't want to be a disruption to the other's life. it was clear that he didn't wanna get back together with him. why would he bother? but i really wanna get back together. since the night they broke up, all jaehyun could think of was his ex-lover. he never should've cheated. even when he cheated, he was thinking about taeyong. why did he cheat after all? i don't even remember why.

i miss taeyong. he thought. if the baby's the only reason he get to stay close to taeyong, then he's got no other choice.

"how do you survive drinking every night and not get hangovers?" out of nowhere, krystal comes into his bedroom and stood beside him. "what's wrong this time?"

jaehyun didn't answer, instead he just refilled his glass with whiskey. "is this taeyong again? come on, i'm your older sister, tell me."

"i'm the father of taeyong's child."

𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 |  jaeyong [neo series]Where stories live. Discover now