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"you didn't tell us you were pregnant. when was this, yong?"

taeyong brushed his face with his palms before heaving out a deep sigh. he didn't want to tell the gang so soon. most especially because he was pregnant with his ex, that was their friend too. "yeah and who's the father?"

"should i tell them or should you?" ten asks folding his arms.

"and ten knows too?" mark asked unbelievably. "hey! that's ten hyung for you. people have got to learn some manners, i'm short but i'm still older than you!" ten just rolled his eyes as he sat back down next to johnny.

"are we gonna guess what happened or are you gonna tell us?" mark almost yelled feeling more pissed.

"jaehyun is the father--"

"i knew it!" and everybody turned to look at lucas. he cleared his throat before saying, "continue."

"we had sex after you set us up in the 7 minutes during john's party. oh yeah, by the way, not slick enough, john." the tall man just pouted like a baby and snuggled into ten. "then a couple days later, we had sex again. but we forgot to use a condom, and now i'm pregnant."

"does jae know?" Yuta asked.

"no, and you can't tell him. anyone who's not in this room can't know, so you blabbermouths better shut the fuck up or i swear none of you will be known as uncles by my child." and taeyong stuck out his tongue like a child.

"you are gonna tell him, right?" jungwoo asked. "soon, but not now."

they were having dinner in the penthouse. it's the first time he ate together with mark alone after a long while. mark felt like he was getting a certain distance from his brother because of all the secrets and he just wanted to know what was up with him.

"so, why didn't you tell me?" mark asked as he ate the steak in front of him. having dinner with his brother became awkward no matter how close they were. they swore to not keep secrets since their young years but taeyong did it once again.

"mark, i'm sorry." the older sighed as he put his fork down. "i didn't mean to. i was just overwhelmed with everything that's happening to me, and i didn't wanna worry you too much. you have a lot on your plate, you got a lot of recordings going on, and photoshoots to be booked. i just couldn't bring myself to tell you. i'm really sorry, please forgive your hyung." there goes the puppy eyes.

"what about next times? what if you keep secrets from me again?"

"tell you what," mark put down his fork to listen to his brother. "if you caught me lying again, you get 250k won."

mark smirked and said, "no, make that 350."

"bet you 400k, it's a girl."

"you're on."

"are you betting on taeyong's baby again?"

the gang has been hanging out since dinner at johnny and ten's penthouse and they've been arguing since then. right now, jungwoo and sicheng were betting if it's a boy or a girl, which will most likely take a long time to get the results.

"you're all about the baby, bet about jaehyun instead." yuta said. "bet you 500k, jaehyun will find out within this week." he smirked.

"taeyong won't tell him this week, i know it." ten said, a little confident with his answer.

"he won't but what if jae finds out himself? or what if tae slips on jae?"

"taeyong's not that dumb. he's not gonna slip out." ten defended his best friend.

"mark found out." lucas smirked widely. okay maybe he's a little dumb about that part. ten thought. i mean, who would let their brother shower in your room if you kept the tests there? but ten was persistent, he trusts taeyong wouldn't be dumb enough for jaehyun to find out so soon.

"okay, you're on."

"let's bet another one. 600k on jaehyun accepting the baby." sicheng said proudly. "who's against me?" he wasn't actually betting, he's just trying to see if other of his friends think jaehyun still loves taeyong to accept the baby. if jaehyun doesn't, it means it's because he doesn't love taeyong anymore. but sicheng knows jaehyun real well, he'll win if either of his friends bet against him. easy money.

"i'll bet." ten said that made sicheng widen his eyes. "come on, taeyong only wanted sex from the guy, i doubt jaehyun wanted something more from him too other than sex."

"baby, you don't think jae would move on that fast, do you?" johnny asked.

"are you dumb? they both cheated." ten had a point, he knew he did. but he was still nervous because there are chances he might lose to both bets he made. nothing is against ten's pride, but johnny loves him despite that. even if i lose, i'm still rich.

"who wanna bet ten will lose on both?"

𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 |  jaeyong [neo series]Where stories live. Discover now