. f i v e .

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first attempt. it's a sunday. they went with the easiest and dumbest suggestion. behind the snack bar, there hid yuta, sicheng and lucas. they watched as the guy patiently walked around trying to keep his feet busy because there was nowhere to sit. he waited for his other friend to show up but their friends also waited for another to show up.

a few minutes later, taeyong showed up. he saw jaehyun pacing around with no one and so he walked up to him. "jaehyun..."

the younger turned around to see his ex-boyfriend. "hey, taeyong." he smiled. "they're not with you?"

"no, i thought they were with you by now." the older replied. he checked his wrist watch to check the time and he knew they were going to be late. "the movie's gonna start any minute now." he said eyeing around to see if they're there somewhere.

"lucas, text jae and tell them we're not gonna make it." sicheng said still watching from afar.

in a little later, jae received a message from lucas. "bro i just got out from sicheng's hotel and they're having sex im stuck with my parents too, sorry we couldn't make it, go with taeyong instead, see u!" it read. it pissed jaehyun off and he just ate the burger whole. taeyong saw this and he already knew what happened.

"they're not coming, are they?" he asked the younger. "nope, apparently having sex is way more important than hanging out with us." he scowled and threw the burger wrapper in a bin.

"well, i'm going home then. see you?" taeyong smiled at the ex-lover before raising his hand asking for a high-five, which jaehyun accepted saying, "yeah, see you."

"well that didn't work. lucas what did you tell them?" lucas widened his eyes, as if they weren't already wide enough, and sprinted out of the place, scared to show sicheng what he messaged.

second attempt. it's 2 days after the movie incident and taeyong was out on a dinner with a random guy ten set him up with. taeyong looked up at the guy in front of him and it was no secret he thinks he's hot. but there's a weird feeling with the guy, it felt like the guy's radiating a big "bottom" vibe. he looks cute anyway.

"so baekhyun, what do you do?" taeyong asked putting his phone down and continued with the meal.

"well, i'm a producer and i own bc records that i built together with my husband, and i al---" taeyong nearly choked on his drink as he heard the word.

"your what? you have a husband?" the younger said calmly trying not to panic.

"uhh yeah, i was hoping you wouldn't freak out like you are now. please don't tell him i was cheating." the older plead to the other. "why are you going on this blind date if you're married?" taeyong shockingly said.

"oh, out of boredom, i usually do this all the time and he doesn't know until now." he said casually. "i actually had a girlfriend, we broke up because she found out i was gay and i was screwing my best friend who's my husband now. nothing big really."

taeyong doesn't like cheating married men. funny, because he cheated and he hates cheaters, wonder why he hates himself too. but baekhyun is a married man. he has a ring. it's a whole different game if the one you're screwing is already tied down.

"i'm sorry, i can't do this. i can't fool around with someone wedded." it's a good thing taeyong was finished with his meal. he stood up and grabbed his stuff. "thanks for the dinner, baekhyun hyung, but i'm really sorry."

"i understand, taeyong. it's not really any better for me. thanks for the dinner too." with that, taeyong smiled and left.

his husband, however, came out of his hiding place. "hey, how did it go? did ten's plan work?" chanyeol said with a hint of jealousy.

𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 |  jaeyong [neo series]Where stories live. Discover now