. f o u r .

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jaehyun was drunk. again. it's been a week since the incident and he's been coming home drunk. jaehyun's a high tolerance, so if he's deadass wasted, it means he's drank a lot.

"jung yoon oh, you big fat baby! you gotta give me some help here, carry your fucking weight, you know you're damn heavy!"

jessica picked him up from the bar with his friends. he tried calling yunho for some help but everyone knows yunho never deals with a drunk jaehyun. no one ever deals with a drunk jaehyun. he's a handful and only taeyong can deal with him. but there's no taeyong now.

krystal came out of the house running her way to her two siblings. "man, you don't get a grip, do you? how many bottles did he drink this time?" she asked her older sister as she helped carry him inside the house.

"he's wasted. you know how many." the older rolled her eyes at the younger. "is mom awake?" she asked.

"she's asleep, she knew you were bringing this big baby home, guess she didn't wanna see you." they set jaehyun on the sofa in the living room.

"he's drunk again?" yunho came from the garden going towards the stairs. "wasted." jessica replied.

"that's why you don't deal with a drunk jaehyun." yunho said before sipping his tea, making his way up the stairs, avoiding the youngest sibling.

"god, will you look at this guy." krystal made face and folded her arms. "he's been coming home drunk ever since they broke up. what a nasty break up that is. if he loved the guy why did he break up with him and get drunk like this?"

"they both cheated, that's why." jessica knew by now, and she gotta say, it isn't the best break up. "he's acting like this because he can't get over his guilt. i think they still haven't made up." jessica sat on the couch beside the sleeping jaehyun. "yeah like you and mom." and jessica scoffed at the statement.

"she's the one who doesn't wanna see me, it's been years since i went to new york, it's been years since yunho took over the company, she just can't get over that."

krystal shrugged and looked over the passed out jaehyun on the couch. "man, he's miserable. he's never gonna get over this, is he?" it was jessica's fear that shut her up for a second.

"i don't think he is. i'm scared for him, krys." she massaged her temples as she said that.

"he'll be okay, he just needs some time."

they were covered with silence for a few seconds before deciding to sleep. "should we leave him here?" krystal asked and jessica replied with, "yeah, i can't carry him anymore."

johnny and yuta entered jaehyun's house with bags of food in hand. inside, there was a passed out jaehyun on the couch along with the two sisters watching tv beside him.

"good morning jung sisters. little jung haven't woken up yet? and why is here on the couch?" johnny asked as he placed down the food on the center table.

"we couldn't carry him anymore, so..." krystal trailed off.

a little later, the sisters left and jaehyun woke up with perfectly disheveled hair. "ahh, little jung is finally awake." yuta said and ate a piece of strawberry. "what time is it?" the younger asked and received a reply from yuta, "it's 10."

𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 |  jaeyong [neo series]Where stories live. Discover now