Chapter 1 (My PAST and PRESANT)

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Sasha was running fast away out of the forest then two bikes pull up Sonya and Ruby

Ruby: Stop running Sasha your only gonna make it worst

Sonya: yeah loser your only gonna make it worse come here Sashy Sashy

Sasha was only 16 years old as she was being chased by only half of the bullies she had to face she then was ambushed by two bicycles that belong to Sarah and Tamina as they blocked her path and she fell causing Ruby and Sonya to stop then they high-fived each other before getting off there bike then a cute little rhinestoned bicycle pulls up that belong to the biggest trust fund baby of them all Zelina she was born with a rich family

Zelina: Oh Sashy when are you gonna learn to stop running from us you will only make it worse

Sasha: screw you both

Sasha felt the mud on her hands

Zelina: Welp you got my homework and Sonya's lunch money

Sasha: Nope but I got this

Sasha threw the mud in Zelina's favorite shirt and in her face

Zelina: UUUUGH OMG my favorite blouse

The rest of her "followers" were trying to calm down a bratty Zelina

Zelina: UGH you two go get her

Tamina and Sonya went after her on there bicycles and Sasha was in fear as she ran faster as she made it to her house she closed the door and ran upstairs and hid she was the only child no siblings stuck in the house then I hear the door bell rings and I zoom downstairs I think it's my mom and dad then realize they are at work I see them on TV everyday then she hears a knock on her door and gets scared

Charlotte: Sasha are you okay we chased off Zelina and her crew

Becky: yeah open the door come on lass I suck a math homework

Sasha smiles as she opens the door

Sasha: sorry guys


Sasha was zooming in her car as two cars followed and it scared Sasha yes it was the same girls that bullied her when she was younger bully her now as they honk there horn scaring Sasha who was trying not to crash her car as she drove then saw Sonya on one side then Sarah and Ruby on another soon she made to to her job she parked and ran into the locker room in panic to see Mandy Rose and Charly Caruso standing there

Mandy: What's wrong girl you good breathe

Charly: Here drink some water

Sasha drank some water

Sasha: S-Sonya and T-Tamina and Ruby and Sarah are gonna hurt me I-I-

Sasha was so outta breathe that when the heard rowdy noises Sasha started to freak out so Mandy hides Sasha in the locker as Sonya walks in with Tamina

Mandy: Hey

Sonya: Wussap

Sonya cupped Mandy's face and kissed her as she gets back to looking for Sasha

Tamina: Hey lil cous

Charly: Hey um are you guys okay

Tamina: Have you seen Sasha

Mandy: huh

Sonya: my apologizes have you seen a blue headed freak

Mandy slaps Sonya on the chest aggressively but femininely

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