Chapter 5 (Laying The Smackdown)

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Dr Tracy she was a young brown therapist that looked to be in her 20's she adores River and loves talking to River

Dr Tracy: Hey River how are you

River: I'm good Dr Tracy how are you

Dr Tracy: I'm good thank you for asking River

River smiles and looks back down to plays with the pretty dolls

Dr Tracy would have toys and dolls and dollhouse and videogames for the kids like River as Dr Tracy sat with River playing with the toys Bayley waited in the waiting room

River puts the Barbie at the top of the playhouse

Dr Tracy: So River can we talk


River looks at Dr Tracy she had blue eyes like her mother Alexa and smile like her Father Bayley

Dr Tracy: Your mother said you Umm bite her is that true

River looks down in embarrassment

Dr Tracy: River you okay

River: Look do you wanna be ken doll

Dr Tracy: River you still have an answered my question...... Did you bite your mom on the hand when she tried to send you to bed

River: I y-yes

Dr Tracy rubs Rivers back

Dr Tracy: why did you do it River

River was scared when Dr Tracy asked her why then she shot up and ran outta the office out of the waiting room and into the bathroom with Bayley and Dr Tracy following River sat on the stall rubbed her head and tucked her knees into her chest and teared then she heard two people walk in and she got scared and started to sob a little

Bayley: River Baby?

When River heard Bayley's voice is calmed River down

River: D-D-...Daddy?

Bayley: Hey Princess what's wrong

River: I'm scared I wanna go home

Bayley looks at a concerned Dr Tracy then she takes a exhales through her nose

Bayley: Okay Baby lets go

River opens the bathroom stall and runs into Bayley's arms Bayley picks up her shaking scared daughter and hugs her tight as River kept her face buried in Bayley's neck til they went in the car and Bayley put River in her car seat and they drove off


Sasha was nervous for the match it was Sasha Banks Vs Natayla she was getting on her gear then zipped on a jacket and was nervous bad she walks out she sees Charlotte stretching her body

Sasha: Where's Becky

Charlotte: Like I care

Sasha: Charlotte!?


Sasha: Why would you say that?

Sasha and Charlotte look over to see Lacey sitting on a crate and Becky is standing in between her legs kissing her they start to smile at each other

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