Chapter 27 (Eye for an Eye)

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Bayley dropped River off at school this time River did have a few tears but toughened up knowing her daddy would not leave her forever as Bayley got home Sasha was already hot and bothered by Bayley teasing her not only on the couch last night but even in bed when she woke up she figured to pleasure herself since Bayley nor River was not home..As Bayley walked into the house she quietly went upstairs to hear moaning in the bedroom turning her on for a bit but what really riled Bayley up was when Sasha moaned her name knowing Sasha was playing with herself while thinking of her... "mmm B-Bayley please oh fuck" Soon Sasha felt herself ready to cum then she heard "Excuse me your Royal hornyness" Sasha jumped up pulling up her panties and pajama shorts up as she stared at Bayley who leaned against the door arms crossed

Sasha: Bayley what the hell

Bayley put her hands up in defense

Bayley: you acting like I don't live here

Sasha combed her hair outta her face and saw Bayley's pants to see she wasn't fully hard but there was a lil arousal in her sweatpants as Sasha smirked and looked down as Bayley smirked

Sasha: maybe you should be here in bed with me

Bayley walked over and crawled into bed then stopped and laughed and pecked Sasha on the lips

Bayley: Nice try baby Imma let you continue imma go take a shower

Sasha pouted

Sasha: Such a tease

Bayley winked Sasha then entered the bathroom Sasha laid down on the bed and thought to herself an idea as she walks to the bathroom door and sneaks into the bathroom..Bayley was in the shower and Sasha saw Bayley's naked body covered by the steam coming outta the shower as Bayley put her head in the shower water letting it get the soap out her hair and eyes then after she felt two hands creep up her back causing Bayley jumped at first and turn around to see Sasha naked in front of her with the water hitting her hair

Bayley: geez Sasha you scared the hell outta me babe

Sasha: maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings love

Bayley: You snuck up on me

Sasha: Point is?

Bayley squinted her eyes and crossed her arms

Bayley: What are you up to Miss Banks

Sasha rises up on her tippy toes and says

Sasha: Payback sweetie

Bayley smirked Sasha then turned around with her back facing Sasha not intimidated by the 5'5 women's threat as she reaches for the shampoo

Bayley: In order to get payback once must succe—OH SHIT!

Sasha wraps her small hands around the base of Bayley's cock and started to slowly stroke Bayley causing Bayley to press her hands foreword against the shower wall trying to hold herself up but it wasn't gonna be easy as she bite her lip trying not to give into Sasha's revenge

Sasha: Wow someone is definitely harder, bigger, and thicker then I expected

Bayley: Sasha..oh s-shit..I...dammit

Sasha: Oh if you thought this was it your sadly mistaken

Bayley was so much Into what Sasha was doing she didn't realize Sasha sneak in front of her and get on her knees while still stroking Bayley she then took Bayley's manhood in her mouth and sucked her off causing Bayley to moan harder not being able to contain her moans

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