Chapter 19 (What Are We Power Talk)

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Bayley had to train extra long today meaning that Sasha was the first one to go home as she grabbed her keys she offered to pick River up from school and Bayley gave it the okay as Bayley pecked her on the lips without both of them even really taking notice and Becky and Charlotte looked closely and were so confused

Bayley: do you guys wanna finish the hurdle rolls on the mat

Charlotte walks away with her hands up and yells "what the FUCK"

Bayley: what

Becky: you just kissed her

Bayley: so what

Charlotte: are you two together

Bayley: I don't know

Bayley shrugs

Becky shakes her head

Becky: Bayley Bayley Bayley

Bayley: What?

Becky: what?! you betta start claiming or someone else will cause a kiss is not official

Charlotte: Soon she's gonna actually date with someone that will claim her

Becky: does she even call you "babe" or any name

Bayley: once

Charlotte: Yep she's slipping away

Becky:look if you want her to be your girlfriend ask her

Bayley: guys Sasha and I are dating okay we just don't talk about it

Becky: Bayley open your eyes

Charlotte: Sasha is not the type to just hold in something if she needs to say it she's gonna say it wether you like it or not

Charlotte and Becky leave to the ring but leaving Bayley to think to herself maybe they aren't wrong with Sasha does she feel the same way for Bayley? or are the just friends with benefits? These are the questions that circled around Bayley's mind for the rest of the day


Sasha went to get River and saw River being huddled by 2 kids and she looked scared so Sasha stepped out of the car to see what's going on

Vanessa: your just a loser this is why no one likes you or wants to play with you cause your stupid

Kandy: and your ugly

River: n-n-no I'm not my daddy says I'm pretty everyday

Vanessa: well your mom doesn't tell you cause she knows your ugly

River tears up

Kandy: yeah your skin is mixed so your a freak is what my mom says and Vanessa's mom said your curly hair is disgusting so you belong in the circus

River started to sniff in tears


Sasha walks over and bends down to River and River was surprised to see Sasha here and not Bayley yes but right now River was hurt and she felt sad and just needed an adult right now

Sasha: River Baby it's okay come here I'll protect you

River slowly comes to Sasha as she cries

Sasha: it's okay River let me protect you please

River eventually gets to Sasha's arms and Sasha hugs her

Sasha: it's okay don't listen to them

Then two people show up two blonde hair and blue eyed women show up

Liz: Oh Vanessa

Sarah: Kandy where were you two

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