Chapter 16 (Date Night)

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Sasha wore blue jean pants and white and red Jordan's with black shirt and Eddie Guerrero jacket as she checked herself in the mirrior then she got a text

Bayley 🙌: Hey I'm outside come on I have the whole night planned for you

Sasha blushed

Bayley planned out a whole night for me I'm kinda nervous..okay Banks you got this don't fuck anything up

Sasha then walked out of the house to see Bayley already there with her benie jeans and sleeveless shirt on with a leather jacket

Sasha: Well Well time off from your kid makes you a bad boy huh

Bayley rolls her eyes

Bayley: I always dress like this when it's for special occasions

Sasha laughs

Bayley: alright let's go..oh before you go

Bayley threw this black cloth at Sasha

Bayley: you gotta be blindfolded

Sasha: why 😂

Bayley: do you trust me

Sasha saw through Bayley's soft eyes and hers turned pink then went back to normal as she noded

Sasha: yes

Bayley walked behind Sasha and slowly puts the blindfold on Sasha then walks her to the car as they drive they hit there first location and Bayley helps Sasha out of the car when they get there she hears the noise

Bayley: okay Sasha this is a place I know you have wanted to go to for so long

Bayley takes off sashes blindfold to review a place that Sasha has been wanting to go to for so long


Sasha practically jumps on Bayley's hugging her

Sasha: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much

Bayley smiles and whispers

Bayley: we're just getting started

Bayley and Sasha grab golf clubs and golf balls as Bayley goes first it was a struggle and Sasha was laughing her ass off at Bayley soon Bayley started to make some shots then did a victory dance embarrassing Sasha soon Sasha videoed Bayley acting like she was gonna make a shot but misses on purpose and that made Sasha laugh so hard as she posting on IG then it was Sasha's turn and she was way better than Bayley had expected

Sasha: In the words of dx

Sasha does a DX thrust

Sasha: SUCK IT!

Bayley laughs at how silly Sasha was but was still making for points then two blondes approach Bayley was was sitting on the chair

Girl #1: Hey aren't you that incredible wrestler Bayley

Bayley nods

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