Chapter 54 (Change to Forgive)

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Bayley: But come on it's not a bad idea

Sasha: Really your thinking of Drinking 12 shots of Viagra

Becky: Well it was my idea

Charlotte: Guys no

Becky: But whyyyyy

Sasha: Because your not gonna destroy my inside and get me all types of pregnant

Charlotte: yeah same here I need to walk for wrestling Becks

Becks: ookaaay

Charlotte and Becky kiss

Bayley: your dating a dumbass

Sasha:I am too

Bayley: yes you a-Hey

Becky: not wrong

Bayley: yeah

Sasha and Bayley kiss



Sasha came downstairs and open the door to see Ivory and Randy by the door

*couple hours later*

Bayley comes back from her run and opens her door to see ivory and Randy and Sasha all sitting on the couch as they all look up at her

Sasha: Bayley-

Bayley put her hands up and walked past

Bayley: Nope I don't even wanna know Imma go upstairs

Sasha: Bayley please

Sasha grabbed Bayley's hands

Ivory: Please Bayley just let us explain ourselves

Bayley: explain what you guys lied to me your clearly not my parents I'm a grown ass woman when we're you gonna tell me huh when

Randy: Love please let us explain why and why we didn't tell you that's all we need and if you don't care and still don't want us around we will leave you alone

Bayley combed her hands through her hair

Bayley nods

Bayley: okay


River was sitting on the monkey bars with Conner eating Ice Cream with there bikes parked

Conner: So my mommy said that I could hangout with you and Dominik

River: awesome but where is-

Dominik raced his bike to the playground as River and Conner came down from monkey bars

Conner: Hey Dom

Dominik: Sorry guys I had to get a new bike from my dad Rey plus this this guy was following me

River: that doesn't sound safe

Conner saw River start to rub her arms showing she is cold then Conner took off his jacket and gave it to River

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