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It has been 5 month since I sent my last letter and Wooseok comforted me. I am now a senior and in my last year, it has been a month since school started and I continue to be the most well known and handsome student in the school. I still miss Yeonjun, I will admit, I can't seem to let him go but here I am, at the tree once again. 'Should I send one more letter?' I sigh. 'Just one more.' I get my backpack and take out a envelope and paper, I think for awhile and immediately start writing.

Day (??) - miss you.
It has been 3 years now Yeonjun Hyung, I can't tell if you're ignoring me but I miss you. I'm writing this letter under our tree, the memories we made here were pretty and I continue to look back on them. Wooseok has been very comforting and caring, he wants to meet you one day; he says that you seem extremely nice but I said that you might be nice to him but mean to me! You always tease me and think you're powerful because you're taller than me! Hmph. Just wait, I'm going to grow taller than you and become better at rapping with the help of Wooseok Hyung. Please reply this time, Hyung, tell me if I'm bothering you so I can stop sending you letters and wasting your time hahaha..
Love you.
From your little Beomie.💔
To, My favorite rapper.

Tears fall from my face.
"Is he even going to answer?"
I get up and put my stuff in my backpack
'He might not.'
I zip my backpack close and pick it up
I then walk home.
'Junnie always drove me home'
I smile to myself


I get home and put my backpack on the floor
I take off my shoes and walk to the kitchen and sit down at the table
"Welcome back baby bear"
"Ahha, hi mom"
"You feeling down?"
"Yeah, I still miss Yeonjun."
My mom looks at me with worry
She then looks at the envelope that I held onto
"What's that?"
My mom points at the envelope
"It's a letter to Yeonjun, I plan on sending it after eating."
My mom widens her eyes and her eyes start filling with tears
"T-They haven't told you?"
"Told me what?"
I look up at her with confusion
She immediately sits down and scoots her chair closer to me
She holds my hand and caresses it

Scroll down

I gasp and immediately start crying
"Please tell me you're lying!"
"I'm so sorry Beomgyu..."
I hug my mom and cry for a couple hours
"Beomgyu, please eat, honey..."
"I'm not hungry, mom..."
"I know it's hard gyu, just please stay strong... for him."
"It's always for him... I loved-" I pause
"I love him."
"And letting him go will be difficult"
"I know..."
"Yes, honey?"
"How did he die?"
My mom sighs
"He... He died from a plane crash, he was supposed to be here a couple months ago to see you. He wanted to surprise you, so no one told you. His body was never found but police claim that he's dead..."
"He was coming to see me?"
I wipe my tears

Im sorry this chapter is sad !! It gets better, I promise. Yeonjun May be dead but there's so many possibilities, they could meet in another world, Beomgyu could do witchery, and Yeonjun May come back as a different creature, so many things could happen;)
I'll update as soon as possible. 🤍
602 words.

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