Chapter Sixteen

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" Hurry, We've got to get to the ship before this thing blows!" I held a small bomb in my hand that was  beeping. I looked down at it 00:32 seconds flashed  across the small screen. There was no way we were both making it out of this alive. Bending down I kissed Ben deeply and whispered. "I love you,  Ben Solo."  My decision made I gripped the bomb tightly and took off in  a sprint, Ben calling my name but unable to chase me with his injured leg. "Rey!"

"Rey wake up!"

I awoke with a start as  Ben shook me. "Good morning sleeping beauty. You know you talk in your  sleep?" He was wearing a very lopsided grin and looked way too happy for how early it had to be.

"No, I don't!" I said, pushing him away from me, needing to brush my teeth as I could taste my morning breath.

"Ben, we're gonna die here." He said it in a fair maiden voice and I could literally die recalling what else I had said in the dream I just awoke from. Heat crept into my face as I pulled the covers over my head groaning.

"Oh my Godddd what time is it even?" I wanted to crawl into a cave and never return, my embarrassment could fill an ocean. 

"Hurry! We've got to get to the ship before this thing blows!" His voice continued in his fair maiden impersonation. The fact that I know what I said next in the dream causing my cheeks to flush an even deeper red as I hid further under the covers.

"I love you, Ben Solo."  He said this line in his regular voice and it dripped sex. It came out  deep and husky as his hands slid under the covers and pulled me into  him. "Do you really, beautiful girl?" He nuzzled into my hair. "Does your mind already have you falling in love with me?"

I sighed into his chest.  "This is so embarrassing. I hate you so much right now." I pressed my forehead against his chest still hiding under the covers.

"That's not what you said a few minutes ago." He chuckled and the vibration of it rumbled  deep in my ear as it radiated from his chest.

Finally working up the courage to look at him, I pulled the covers from over my head. Fuck he was breathtaking. His  hair was splayed out around his face on his pillow, his lips were full and pink. He looked like he was silently begging for sex with his eyes.

Propping myself up on my elbow I shook my head at him. "You're the worst." I ignored his earlier question. My head did have me falling in love with him, the problem was so did my heart. That was the biggest problem, it was way too soon to feel the way I felt about this man. I could talk sense to my head but the pull on my chest I couldn't fight the way I wanted to.

"Weird," he pulled his eyebrows together like he was in deep thought. "I think you mispronounced the word best in that sentence." He leaned forward to kiss me and I leaned away.

"I gotta brush my teeth. I can feel my morning breath." I laughed.

"I literally give zero fucks about your morning breath, you don't get to wake up topless snuggled next to me and not let me at least kiss you good morning." He  pulled me tightly to him and kissed me. His tongue floating across my bottom lip. He was testing to see how far I wanted this to go.

The minute his mouth hit mine all worry about my morning breath exited my head and my lust fueled me. I shoved my hands in his hair and shifted my leg over him, effectively straddling him.

His groan was all I needed as I pushed my hips down into his feeling him hardening beneath me.

"Fuckkkkk."  his word was lost in my mouth as my tongue traced his teeth. "Rey, we don't have a ton of time I let you sleep in." he said it and I could hear him fighting with himself.

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