Chapter 1

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Standing outside the gates of college for the first time is the most scary thing ever.

How long has it been since i socialized with normal people? What? Like 3 years? Yeah...3 years. Those years were the worst.

I guess you're probably wondering who i am.

Well hello there. I am Alice Villegra. Im 19 and just started college as you can see. I may have latin blood in me but im white i tell you. I have milky white skin. Long wavy brown hair that reaches my,*AHEM* butt and pale blue eyes. Id say im not a skinny person. More like on the chubby side. And lets not forget!! I am short. 5,5 to be exact. Yes people, it is really sad.

My past is something i do not like to talk about. Just know that i was sent to a rehab center. God i hated my room.

White. Everything was white. White bedroom, white bathroom, white ceiling, white clothes, white desk, white chair and even a white indoors pool. I HATE that place.(thats how i picture a rehab centerXD) Im so glad i left.

I looked down at my outfit. A simple spaghetti strap floral shirt with a black waist skirt with my all time favorite black converse. My hair it just down, to be honest i din't even brush it this morning. I sighed looked at the gates again.

"Ok. Common Ali, you can to this. They're just....humans." I chastised myself. I took a deep breath and walked the gates in.

This place is huge, and pretty. But i really dont have time for this right now. I need to find the office and get my stuff. I keep jumping every time i hear something. I mean its been so long since i really was around allot of people.

In that rehab center, it was really boring. Not even my parents came to visit me. The only person i had was my brother. I mean we went to the same rehab center, just apart from each other. I had it worst than him, therefor they kept me on a 'special' section of the building.

After 15 minutes walking i finally spotted the office. I sighed in relief and made a dash for it. I opened the door and walked in. The office is pretty....plain. I came to hate plain stuff.

The was a old lady sitting at a desk right next to a door, im guessing the principal or something. I put on my best smile and walked to the desk.

"Uhm...hi, im new here and i would appreciate it if you could help me with my...uh..stuff?" I asked the lady.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Oh of course sweetie. Ooh could you wait a moment? I need to look for your schedule in these!" She said and showed me a pile of papers.

I smiled at her. "Oh it's ok. I'll just...sit there and wait." I mumbled to her and went to sit on one of the chairs.

After 5 mins she gave me my schedule and a map to help me venture around. I thank her and walked out, not really paying attention i walked smack into something rock hard. At first i thought it was a wall. Only when i looked up i was met with the brightest green eyes i've ever seen in my life- not that i've seen much.

He was pretty tall and had high cheekbones with a straight, firm nose. He had crazy red hair sticking out in all different places. He had on a black shirt with normal faded blue jeans and some converse. I looked back up in his bright eyes. My eyes traveled lover to his lips. So pink and soft looking. I looked in his eyes again.

"I am so sorry!!" He exclaimed. "It's just that you're so short and i really didn't see you coming out of the office, thats all. But i'm really sorry tho." He apologized.

I just looked at him and started picking up some of my papers that fell on the floor. "Oh, no its ok. I wasn't... looking were i was going. If anyone should be at fault, its me." I sheepishly smiled up at him.

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