Chapter 5

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Nash and I walk downstairs and enter the kitchen. "Good morning!" Mahogany smiles at us. She's really nice. "Morning." I reply. Nash pulls out a chair and looks up at me. "Sit." He says blankly nodding to the chair. I walk over and sit down as Nash cooks some food. "Mmhmm. That smells amazing." I say as I can already smell the food. Nash grins at me as Cameron, Carter, and another boy I have meet before walk in. He sorta looks like Nash, well they have the same eyes anyway. "Hey." The boy says as his eyes go from Nash to me. "Hayes, this is Kylar. Kylar, this is my younger brother Hayes Grier." Nash introduces us. "Hi." I murmur shyly. "Hey!" Hayes replys. "So what's for breakfast, bro?" Hayes questions Nash. "Pancakes, breakfast sausages, bacon, and eggs." Nash answers Hayes. Out of joy I do a little leap in my chair without even realizing it because in an instant all eyes are on me. "You like that, huh?" Cameron laughs. "Well not eggs, but everything else yes." I say although I've only ever pancake, breakfast sausages, and bacon only they were all like a little piece of heaven. All Aunt Rosie ever cooked at home was eggs, but now most of the time we just order pizza. I've been longing for a home cooked meal for a long time now. I can't wait for the food my stomach is growling at me just smelling the food.

Nash finally serves the food and we dig right in. We all sit on the couch or the floor and their is only one conversation going on at a time which I find weird because I thought with larger groups of people there would, you know, be more conversation, but I guess not. I just sit hear and listen to their conversations, until the conversation turns to me. "So Kylar, what's your family like." Jack G asks me. I don't really like talking about my family so I say "Oh, you know." and end there. "Actually, no we don't know." Carter points out the obvious. I sigh. "Sucky." I say and that's all I say. "Awe, why?" Jack J asks. "Why does it matter?!" I say feeling pushed to far. "No, need to yell." Carter says raising his hands, just like Aunt Rosie's man-whore did. I set my plant down gently. I stand up shaky with anger and walk to my room, fists clenched all the way.

Once I get to my room I sit on my bed and start crying. There's a soft knock on the door and as I look up I hear a soft voice that belongs to Mahogany. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks sweetly and I know that I need to talk. "Yes." I sob. She sits down beside me. "My mom..." I start through the tears, "did drugs, she had been to jail 3 times before the day, there was never a day when she have drugs on her, and her job, well she was a prostitute and being the daughter of a prostitute you get raped. I got raped when it was six. The next year my mom died from drug overdoes. The my older brother and I went to live with my Aunt Rosie, who is a stripper and comes home with a different man-whore everyday. My brother, Riley, is also a druggie. Anyway the way I get punished by Aunt Rosie, well she sends her man-whore into my room to rape me, so now it's pretty much every other day I get raped at home, and my dad well I have no clue who or where he is. I just hope he doesn't do drugs too." I finish, now balling. "Oh. My. Gosh." Mahogany says pretty much speechless. "I'm so sorry." She says again. Just then, Nash walks in and gives me a huge hug. "How much did you hear?" I give him a questioning look. "All of it." He says staring at the ground. "I sorry, I shouldn't have been listening in." He apologizes. "I forgive you." I say as Mahogany head towards the door. "I'll leave you two alone." She says and I can tell she's smiling as she walks out. I pat the bed beside me and Nash sits down. I kiss him on the cheek. "Your really nice, Nash." I say and all he does is kiss me hard on my lips. I kiss back and we stand up as Nash pushes me against the wall. Then he stops, walks towards the door, locks it, and walks back to start kissing me again. He stops kissing me for a second to pull my shirt off and I pull his off too. Nash pushes me to the bed and rips off my pants, leaving me in a bra and panties. He starts kissing me again and I take his pants off with my feet, pushing his pants down his waste and off his legs. Man is he ever hot! *DING* I hear my phone go off. A YouTube notification. "Nash." I stop in the middle of a kiss. "Yeah." He says. "I wanna take a shower." I reply. "Can I join you? He grins. "Yes." I smirk at him and we walk into the bathroom. I turn on the water and we take off our clothes and get into the shower together. We wash each other and through soap at each other it's really fun because we laugh the whole time. When we are done we lay on the bed, under the covers and Nah plays with my hair till we fall asleep.

I wake up beside Nash, who's still sleeping. I get up and put on my favourite black crop top that says 'sunny days' on it and put on my favourite pear of jean shorts that have some lace on them. I look in the mirror and see myself, tall, blond, and blue eyed. I smile at my self as I brush my hair and turn around to see Nash smiling at me in his clothes. Wow, he's pretty quiet. Nash and I walk to the living room where everyone else is watching tv. We sit down on the floor and join them.

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