The Dream

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I sat on a nearby hill to see the battle against the Orc Lord army unfold.

Y/N: Since they don't need my help I guess I can sleep.

F/N: See ya tomorrow Y/N

Young Y/N: Y-yeah, see ya F/N

Bully: Hey, where are you going twerp.

It's always like this whenever I'm trying to go home I get bullied and I'm so weak that I can't even stand up to them.

Y/N: I-I'm just going home.

I said pointing in the general direction of where my house was. I tried to avoid him but I ended up getting stopped by another bully.

Bully 2: Where do you think your going?

He said whilst pushing me on the floor. Then both of the bullies started kicking me.

Bully 1: You're such a weakling, and weaklings like you don't deserve to have friends.

I crawled away and started running and didn't look back.

D/N: You're late! Where were you.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I just got caught up.

M/N: You're pathetic, how comes your sister always managed to meet our standards but you always fall out of line.

There it is my parents love comparing me to their lovely daughter and act as if I'm some scum that should've been dead already.

D/N: Let me help you remember not to fall out of line again.

Y/N: I'm sorry! I won't be late again! I'll be your model son! Just please don't beat me...

(Dream end)

Rimuru: Hey Y/N, are you alright?

Y/N: Y-yeah.

I said as tears fell down my face. I wiped them with the sleeve of my f/c shirt.

Y/N: Um... what happened while I was sleeping?

Rimuru: Well I beat the Orc Lord who became the Orc Disaster.

Y/N: Well done.

Rimuru: I've got a question for you.

Y/N: Uh, okay.

Rimuru: Is there a reason that you don't smile?

Y/N: Heh, my past isn't something I'd like to go back into.

Rimuru: If you don't want to tell me then I won't force you to tell me.


Y/N: What's happening Rimuru?

Rimuru: We've got a conference that we need to do.

Y/N: Well then let's get it over with.

When we entered the conference place there was a tension so thick that you could cut it like butter.

Rimuru: Um... This is my first time doing this kind of conference so I might not be the best chairman. So I'll just say the things on my mind. Then, I want us to consider it together. First of all, I would like to say that I don't think that the orcs have committed any crimes. I'm sure the Lizardmen who have suffered large losses, would want to object, but please hear me out.

Rimuru: I'll talk about the reason for their current situation

Lizardmen's head:— I see...a great famine...

Rimuru: That's it. But even then, acts of aggression cannot be allowed. As you know, in a time of crisis, they have no way to pay for damages. Well that's how it would normally be.

Gabiru: Normally? Then would you tell us your true intentions?

Rimuru: I will take on all the Orc's sins. If you have any complaints then I will gladly hear them.

Orc: Please wait! This isn't logically...

Rimuru: That was the promise I made to Orc Disaster Geld.

Lizardmen's head: I see... but isn't that a bit unfair.

Benimaru: There is a single unchanging rule that rules over all monsters. Survival of the fittest. The moment you decided to fight, you should've had that resolution.

Lizardmen's head: He's a Kijin like Souei! The survival of the fittest you say. Then, let us ignore the Lizardmen's pride.

Rimuru: That's alright with you?

Lizardmen's head: The winner of the war is you in the first place, so I have no objections. However, there is something concerning this case... that I must confirm at all costs. By not charging the Orcs for their sins, do you intend to welcome the surviving Orcs into the forest?

Rimuru: That's true. Though their numbers have decreased during the war, 150,000 is a ridiculous amount... you might think I'm out of my mind, but why don't we form an alliance between all the species living in the forest. For now I'd like the Orcs around, and have them help out with manual labour around the place

Lizardmen's head: And we will repay them with food and a place to live?

Rimuru: Exactly. Please leave the technical portion of constrcting those homes to our architects. Of course, it won't be free. We also lack sufficient manpower, so we'll be counting on the Orcs' labour. If you eventually learn those technical skills, you can just build your own village. Then, you'll be able to live together instead of being spread around. Finally, it would be interesting if we could found a country where all species could live together in harmony.

Orc: Wo-would it be fine for us to take part as well...?

Rimuru: I will work you hard, you know? No slacking will be allowed as well.

Orc: Of-Of course.

Lizardmen's head:...We have no objections either. We would love to cooperate

Then everybody started bowing down to Rimuru, and he tried to do the same but Shion stopped him.

Shion: What are you trying to do?

Rimuru: Eh? This Ritual? You've never heard of it before?

Shion: I haven't. Seriously Rimuru.

Benimaru then elbowed me and whispered.

Benimaru: You need to bow too.

I nodded and started to bow as well.

Treyni: It is decided. As manager of the forest I, Treyni, hereby pledge that I recognise Rimuru as the new master of the Great Jura Forest and Y/N as his right hand man.

Y/N: Hey! Plant Lady I don't wanna do this!

Treyni: Under that name, The 'Jura Forest Alliance' has been established.

Rimuru: Then, um it seems like that's how it is, so please take care of both me and Y/N

Everyone: Yes sir!

And that's how the Jura Forest Alliance was made and how I was roped into being Rimuru's right hand man.

Smile... (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now