thirty five

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It was Friday now and we were getting back on the ferry to bail Rafe out. This time though, we decided that it was better if we all went together.

"Don't let him get under your skin. He kind of went insane." I heard Topper reassuring Kie.

They were on their honeymoon fase, I guess, always near each other and always having physical contact. We sat down on the ferry. JJ and I sat together with Pope in front of us and Topper and Kie sat on the other side of the row of seats.

"You know, I feel very lonely right now." Pope said, gesturing to Topper and Kie kissing and me and JJ holding each other's hands.

"Don't be, baby. I love you." JJ said and jumped to Pope's lap.

They pretended to kiss and I just couldn't hold my laugh.

"I thought we were friends. How could you rob my boyfriend?!" I pretended to be mad.

"Boyfriend?" JJ smirked and just then I noticed the word that left my mouth.

My cheeks turned bright red and I became shy all of a sudden. He was scared of commitment and I just called him my boyfriend. Am I trying to scare him away?!

"I- sorry, I didn't-" I started stuttering not knowing what to say.

He left Pope's lap and came to seat next to me, grabbing my hands and turning my body to face him. Pope got up wondered around the ferry to give us some space.

"I kind of liked it." JJ whispered squeezing my hand. I smiled up at him.

"I'm sorry. I know you're not ready, I shouldn't have said it." I said, inching closer to him.

"It's just a word and I wouldn't mind being called that more often." He replied tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I'm more sure about us than I've ever been about anything in my life." He said and I just closed the gap between us with a passionate kiss.

After a few seconds we were interrupted by Pope, we separated so that he wouldn't feel left out.

We arrived in the prison and just me, JJ and Topper went to the desk since JJ and I were the only ones with a fake id and Topper was already 18. Pope and Kie waited in the waiting room while we went and sorted all the paperwork.

"Are you sure about this?" JJ questioned me and Topper right before Topper sign the bail papers.

"He's a good person deep down." Topper stared and just scribbled the papers with his signature.

I gave him the money that I had just picked up from the ATM machine outside the detention center and we gave everything to the officer that was posted in the front desk.

"He will be out in a few minutes. Please wait in the waiting room." The man said and gestured to the place where our friends were already waiting anxiously.

We spread ourselves in the few seats that the waiting room had and, in a deafening silence, we waited for the boy to come out.

I heard a cough coming from the entry of the establishment and when I looked a girl wearing glasses stood there. Everybody around me gasped and I could see the panic in their faces. Who is she?

"Wheezie? What are you doing here?" Topper asked stepping closer to the younger girl.

"What do you think? I'm visiting my brother." She sassed back. So she's Rafe and Sarah's younger sister. "What are you doing here... with them?" She said with a certain disgust of my group of friends.

"They wanted to talk with Rafe about John B and forced me to come here." Topper said pretending to be annoyed. Well played.

"Makes sense." She shrugged. "Who's she?" She asked pointing at me.

"A friend." Topper said.

Everything was going well until Rafe walked out of the detention center in his normal clothes and with a devilish smirk on his face. Wheezie's face dropped and she seemed to be divided between running to her brother and scolding Topper for lying to her.

"What is going on?" She managed to say still planted in the same place.

"I can explain just please don't tell Rose about this." Topper pleaded.

"What do I get in return?" She asked crossing her arms with a defiant look in her face. I wonder from who she got this attitude from.

"What do you want?" Topper asked. Rafe just stood there admiring the scene with a amused expression.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see how desperate you were." She replied. "Rose is going to be here in about 30 minutes. I would get out now if I were you." She said and we scurried out of the center with Rafe stopping to give a hug to his little sister. I guess he does have a heart after all.

"Fuck! Rose is going to know that I was the one who payed the bail and she will come after me." Topper said while walking extremely fast in the direction of the docks.

"You told us that she never visited you." I confronted Rafe.

"And she didn't. Until today." He answered shrugging.

"Where are you going now that you are free?" Topper questioned.

"I don't know. I'll figure it out once I'm in Obx." He answered.

We went on the first ferry back to the island, that thankfully was just about to leave when we arrived at the docks, and bought a ticket to Rafe as well so that he could go to the island as well.
The ferry ride was filled with awkward silence and rude remarks from Rafe.
Once the boat docked, we all scurried out of it quickly.

"Just sign here." I said, gave him a pen and pointed at the place where his signature was supposed to go.

"Are you really not going to tell me what this paper is?" He asked but still picked up the pen.

"No." Pope said sternly.

Rafe rolled his eyes but still signed the papers. We all shared looks of victory and smiled at one another.

"There." He said and gave me back both the pen and the paper.

"See you never." JJ said and turned his back on him.

We all followed his actions but not before Rafe managed to blurt out one last stupid comment.

"I'm not going to miss seeing your stupid faces either."


AN Let's pretend Topper is older for the sake of the story, ok? Ok

AN Let's pretend Topper is older for the sake of the story, ok? Ok

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𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒; JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now