fourty two

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We gave a last group hug before we walked to the station side by side. JJ, Pope, Kie, Topper and I walked inside first earning everyone's attention, after that, John B and Sarah walked inside and took off the accessories to show their identity. No one seemed too shocked about them being alive and I figured it was because Rose and Rafe had already told some elaborated lie and put the cops on their side. Rose ran to Sarah pretending to be emotional about the girl's return but was immediately scolded by Sarah that pushed her away. Wheezie sat in the waiting benches and was looking pretty guilty.

"Why are you acting like that, honey?" Rose acted hurt when Sarah kept pushing her away. "This marginals already brainwashed you!" She accused eyeing everyone one, including me.

"What the fuck, Rafe? We had a deal!" Topper protested hurt by his old friend, he still believed that there was good underneath all of his issues.

"And I had a deal with Rose from the begging. Did you actually believe that I wouldn't go back to my home as soon as you left me here?" He chuckled ironically.

"You told us that your family didn't give a fuck about you!" Topper accused.

"Well, that's true. But I needed a place to sleep and what place is better than your own bedroom?!" He asked rhetorically still with a scary smile on his face. "Rose here had the brilliant idea to make me look homeless and get the information from you." He spoke. "Of course little Marina is the easiest to manipulate so it was pretty easy to make you all believe that I needed a place to crash and after just 2 days you told me everything I needed to know. It was so easy!" He laughed once again. He used me, he played me so easily and I didn't even see it coming.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to the teenagers that stood by my side.

"You couldn't have known, amor." JJ reassured me and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm confused." Deputy Shoupe said from besides Rose. "You told us they were alive and that John B was keeping her captive but that doesn't seem to be the case." He said gesturing to the couple that hold onto each other's hand.

"Don't you see that this criminals brainwashed my little girl?!" She squealed and fake cried into her hands.

"Drop that, Rose. You're not even my mother." Sarah rolled her eyes. "We have business to deal here." She added and stepped closer to one of the booth. "I want to pursue a lawsuit against the Cameron family." She finally released the bomb and the look on Rose's face was priceless.

"What are you talking about?" Rose said and grabbed Sarah's shoulder but was immediately pushed away by John B.

"Well, let's see. You falsely accused my boyfriend of murdering someone. Ward killed my boyfriend's father and finally, the gold that you have stored in the Bahamas belongs to me." She finalized smirking at the dumbfounded woman.

Rose began throwing a tantrum and tried hitting the police officers and John B only to be escorted out while screaming. Who would have thought that she had that within her?! Well she always looked so calm and collected, I guess crazy and psychotic is a new look on her.

"So that's why you needed my signature." Rafe realized looking at us. "Well played." He admitted looking somewhat impressed.

He left the station making us all breath out the air that we were holding because of the intense moment that was happening.

"What just happened?" Shoupe asked ,coming back from outside after escorting Rose out, looking extremely confused.

Sarah and John B explained everything that happened to them before leaving the island, about the gold, about their lives in The Bahamas and Shoupe stood there looking dumbfounded. I guess no one thought that a bunch of kids would be able to find The Royal Merchant.


AN Ok this chapter is small but I just wanted to divide it into 3 pieces, so the next chapter will be the last part of this day.
The book is almost over I think there will only be 2/3 more chapters so I hope you really enjoyed it :)))

 The book is almost over I think there will only be 2/3 more chapters so I hope you really enjoyed it :)))

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𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒; JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now