Chapter 27: Empire Clad In Light

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Sweet I can finally start cussing-

3rd person POV: next day

Kaminari laughed with tears threatening to spill from his eyes while Eijiro struggled to put on the shirt he had given him. The ravenette grunted in confusion as he tried to shove his head through the sleeve of the shirt, but it obviously didn't fit. The sound of the door swinging open went unnoticed by both the males.

"The fuck is going on here?", a gruff voice sounded in the room which Kaminari and Eijiro were sharing. Kaminari, who had fallen over in his laughing fit, turned towards the door and saw the Prince leaning against the teak door frame of their room. He sat up and tried to speak through his giggles.

"I gave Kirishima a shirt to wear so we could go out for a city tour, but he doesn't know how to wear one. He's always wearing that weird himation thing they just drape around their waists", Kaminari gasped in between his words. Face red with embarrassment, Eijiro pulled the shirt off and stood in the middle of the room with a confused glare. The Prince sighed in annoyance and strode over to the ravenette, snatching the shirt from his hand and straightening it out.

"Lift both your hands. Your head goes through the middle one first, and slid your arms in the other two after that."

The Prince pulled the white shirt over Eijiro's torso rather harshly, adjusting the collar and tucking the hem into the pair of black pants that Eijiro managed to wear successfully. 

'Oh G-God, h-he's too c-close.'

 Once he was done, the Prince moved away and folded his hands over his chest, staring down the ravenette. Eijiro bowed awkwardly.

"Thank you, My Lord", he meekly said. The Prince visibly cringed at the title.

"Just call me Bakugou", he waved off. Eijiro's eyes widened in surprise. Within his experience, all the people he served who were above him in status were always given a title. But here this Prince was, grossed out when someone had called him by his supposed title. Kaminari, who was still on the ground, grinned at the two with everlasting energy.

"Anyways, there's been rumours of some attacks going on in the Western District. Just to be safe, take Shinsou with you", Bakugou ordered. 

"Aw, would you look that, Kirishima? Our Bakugou acts so mean and uncaring but he's such a softie, don't ya think?"

"Say that shit again and you're gonna wake up with no kneecaps tomorrow."

Eijiro couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the obscure threat. With a low groan, Bakugou shoved his hands into his pockets and left the room. 

"Um, who's Shinsou?", Eijiro asked, helping Kaminari stand up.

"Shinsou Hitoshi, he's the youngest squadron leader in our army. Toshi and I are close friends because of our ages", he replied, dusting away the specks of dirt on his clothes.

"Anyhow, let's go for our little day out. I can't wait to show you around! Let's go get Toshi first", the excited blonde chirped up. Eijiro grinned and gave him a firm nod.


The day was amazing. They had left at noon, but it was now nighttime. Kaminari had showed Eijiro around the massive kingdom, taking him to popular places for food and such. The entire place seemed so...different. It was nothing like a lifeless, plain city Eijiro had come from, where half the population don't get enough food for weeks on end.

The clothes were different, they were much more comfortable and modern. Most of the men and women wore plain pants and shirts, unlike his city where each gender was conformed to specific clothing. Here, people could wear whatever they wanted.

People didn't seem to care about luxury, for the most part. Sure, there were some individuals who threw their money around, but they didn't have much power over the poorer people, nor were they treated with privilege. The place wasn't exactly perfect. There was some crime in the kingdom, but it was taken care of with no bias.

The trio roamed around the kingdom until they eventually reached the Western District, the place Bakugou had warned them about. It seemed like no major issue was going on, so they voted to screw around in the District before going back to the palace.

They had spent about an hour or so going to shops and watching the street performers. But out-of-the-blue, there was a sudden commotion and the people were gathering around something, or particularly someone.

In front of the commotion, the trio could see the Bakugous' quickly making their way to their destination, followed by many curious citizens. Kaminari nudged at Eijiro's and Shinsou's shoulders, to which the two gave him unsure nods. They made their way towards the Prince and caught his attention.

"Hey Bakugou, where you going?"

"There's been a murder. Someone broke into a house and killed the father, but the victim's daughter attacked the assailant and killed him in defence. There's a good chance the assailant was the one I warned you about", he spoke stoically. 

"Mind if we tag along?"

"Do whatever the fuck you want, I couldn't give shit if my life depended on it."

Eijiro raised an eyebrow at Bakugou. The blonde male seemed nothing like what the people kept saying. No matter what, they always seemed to be praising him and holding him up on a pedestal. His family was seen as this overly kind and lovable group of people, but all Eijiro had seen yet is Bakugou cuss up a storm. 

But he barely knew anything about the boy, so he had no right to judge them as anything negative. Plus, they had saved him and his friends, and were doing their best to keep Imamara and Yoichi safe. He couldn't help but be thankful to these people.

Shaking away his thoughts, Eijiro moved his focus towards the Bakugou's. It seemed that it was mostly the Queen and the Prince taking care of matters regarding crime and connections to other kingdoms, whereas the King concerned himself with wellfare matters of the citizens. 

After a couple minutes of walking, they reached a rather average looking house. There was already a group of people frantically trying to get into the house. Turns out after the killing, the girl locked herself in house and screamed at the strangers to stay away from her, otherwise she would stab herself.

The Queen motioned for the crowd to disperse, which they obediently did. Some still watched the situation from their windows. She then used some kind of tool to lockpick the door and entered cautiously, followed by her son. Sure enough, there was a little girl cowering in the corner of the main room. Two bodies lay next to her, giant puddles of blood pooling around them.

"S-stay b-back, pl-please", her voice wavered and choked. She drew the bloody knife towards her own stomach, watching the Queen and Prince with a desperate face. Eijiro, Kaminari and Shinsou peeked in from behind the door.

The sight reminded Eijiro of something that had happened 11 years ago.

"P-please s-stay a-away fr-from me", the boy stuttered. Momo gave up and moved away from the boy. The women passed unsure glances at each other, before Shiozaki kneeled down next to the hole.

She gently placed her hand on the boy's head, stopping when the boy let out a weak cry. She sighed and signalled for the others to leave the hut, which they did.


Author's Note: idk guys I'm thinking about dropping this book. There's no satisfaction or relief I get from this book, but I also don't wanna let down the people who might enjoy my writing. Plus, I have no motivation to finish it either.

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