Chapter 5

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A/n hey everyone sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a little while. Just a warning this chapter is a bit sad and could possibly be triggering to some readers.

"Girls wake up!" Mrs Beale voice woke the five sleeping girls.
"Mhmm mommy what time is it?" Chloe said sitting up rubbing her eyes sleepily.
"It's one am" mrs Beale replies in a serious tone.
"Wait what's going on? Why are we awake" stacie piped in the let out a small yawn.
"It's becas mom" mrs Beale said in a serious tone.
"What happened?" Beca asked suddenly sitting up getting a bit panicky
"I'm not to sure but we have to get to the hospital. I'll drop Aubrey,Stacie and Jess back to there places on the way" mrs Beale explained. Beca could feel her heart pounding in her chest and began silently praying her mother was ok.

An hour later they pulled up to the hospital the car ride had been almost completely silent apart from the occasional sniffle that came from Beca and Chloe trying to calm her down.
When it was time to get out of the car Beca had worked herself up so much mrs Beale ended up having to carry her witch wasn't a big deal because Beca was about the size of a second grader. The three entered the hospital and followed three directions to becas moms room that her dad had texted to mrs Beale a few hours ago. When they arrived outside the door they saw becas dad collapsed on the floor sobbing uncontrollably.
"Oh my god" mrs Beale explained putting Beca down and running over to see if becas dad was okay.
"Daddy!" Beca called out she was now sobbing her little heart out knowing this was serious her father almost never cried and when he did it was always something serious.
"Is Katie okay?" Mrs Beale asked becas father.
"She ... she died" he spat out before laying his head into his knees and sobbing into them. Beca felt her heart shatter, her mother the person she had lived more than anyone else in the world was gone forever and there was nothing Beca could do about it.

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