Chapter 6

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Beca sat in the back of the classroom staring out of the window. It had been 3 years science her mother had past away and her life had changed so much. After becas mom past away becas father began doing nothing but drinking and her always ended up taking his frustrations out on Beca weather it was physically or verbally and even though Beca new that he didn't mean to it still hurt that she was now terrified to go home not knowing if her dad would be drunk out of his mind or not. Beca normally ended up staying at Chloes house the Beale's had turned into a sort of second family for Beca after her mother passed away.
"Beca" Chloes voice pulled Beca out of her thoughts.
"Hmm?" She looked up
"You okay?" Chloe asked in a concerned tone
"Yeah I'm fine" she replied and then looked around noticing that there was no one in the classroom but herself and Chloe.
"Oh I was just worried cause Class ended a few minutes ago" Chloe told her
"Sorry Im fine was just thinking about something" Beca said standing up and picking up her backpack from next to her.
"Okay..." Chloe didn't know weather to believe that Beca was okay or not "anyway are you staying at my place again?"
"Dad texted me earlier and said he wants me home" Beca sighed wishing that she didn't have to.
"Oh okay"

Beca walked up to her house and pulled out her keys to unlock the door. She took a deep breath before opening it and entering her house.
"Dad?" She called putting hesitantly and almost immediately he came out from the kitchen.
"Beca I told you to do the dishes this morning you stupid child!" Her father yelled slurring some of his words
"Dad I wasn't even hear this morning I stayed the night at Chloes" Beca said calmly already knowing what was coming.
"Don't talk back to me!" Becas father roared. Beca then felt something hard and sharp hitting her face and then she was shoved into the wall and kicked in the stomach. Beca let out a small whimper and her father stormed out of the house. Becas face stung as she stroked her hand over it and she noticed she was bleeding then she saw the glass bear bottle that was slightly smashed lying next to her. Her dad had smacked her in the face with his beer bottle. Beca clutched her poor face and stood up to go and look at the damage and more importantly figure out how to hide it from Chloe.

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