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consonants are a bit more harder to "grasp" - in korean we have a term called 받침 which will be exampled later on ^.^~ consonants are easy for me, as i learnt it when i was in kindergarten, but for foreigners, it may be a bit harder to example..


before we start saying consonants, i would like to teach you how to build hangeul.

in korean we have cv, cvc cvc [down], and cvcc.

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that is basically how you build it.

its very explanatory. basically "vowel" is always the second character, or space.

so lets continue.

i will be saying the easiest consonants for english speakers !

ㄴ -  n

ㅇ - ng, when ng is in the first consonant block, it has no sound. but when it is in the last consonant it makes a sound. (bang) (ang)

ㅁ - m

that is about it, in my opinion. when i first learnt latin a couple of years back those were the easiest letters for me, but also sometimes confusing. 

now lets move onto the korean consonants ~ !

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ㄱ - g/k
basically in english you say the "k" in book at the end, but in korean, 북, is said kind of like "boog" with a subtle g/ at the end [?]

please watch videos on it because it is hard to example ~ you can say k or g but typically it changes pronunciation, but korean cant see difference between it

ㅋ - k 
koreans can see difference between ㅋ. it is much sharper and is aspirated. 

ㄲ - kk
a stronger variant of ㄱ

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ㄷ - d/t
kind of like g/k!

ㅌ -  t

ㄸ - tt

stronger then ㄷ

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ㄹ - r/l

this one is probably the most confusing. most romanised words with ㄹ are "r" - but how i pronounce ㄹ is by having the tip of my tongue up and then trying to say english "l" ! 

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ㅂ - b/p

ㅍ - p/f

ㅃ - bb

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ㅅ - sh, s

ㅆ - sh

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ㅈ - j, ch

ㅉ - jj

ㅊ - ch

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and lastly...

ㅎ - h


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i'm very tired.. it is 00:39

i will fix up this lesson tomorrow because i feel like it isn't that good... but just keep practicing and watching videos! bye '3'~

ㄱ, ㄲ, ㄷ, ㄸ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅃ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅉ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ

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