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10:27 AM

"Alright, you are 3 cm dilated so you still have time. You and your husband can relax." the doctor said.

"Oh god no not my husband."Millie said giggling.

"Thank you Ma'am," Drew said trying to save himself from embarrassment.

The doctor walked out as Millie sat for the next few hours feeling like her body was giving out. Rudy had been updating the two on how far away he was. Millie had slept a little when the baby wasn't clawing at her organs.

1:54 PM

"Drew?" she asked quietly looking toward the boy.

"What do you need Millie?" he asked quickly shuffling over to her.

"Can you hold my hand?" she said shivering a constant symptom of labor.

"Of course," he said grabbing her hand.

"I'm scared Drew," she said tears falling from her eyes. "I wanna be a good mom. I don't wanna my son to lose his mom as I did I just wanna be good."

"Amelia Foster. You are going to be an amazing mom this baby will have the most amazing life." he said wiping her tears "I promise you."

"Thank you Dr-" she cut herself off by the pain she was in.
A contraction. A long one.

"Fuck. I'm never having another one of these."

3:15 PM

The doctor walked into the room to check Millie,

"Amelia you're 10 cm dilated. We're going to have you do some practice pushes and then it'll be time."

Millie shook her head. "Rudy is not here, I'm not doing this without him." She said moaning in pain in between contractions

"Can we wait at all?" Drew asked.

"That's not how birth works Drew," Millie said breathing hard.

3:45 PM

Doctors flooded into the room as Millie groaned with pain. She wanted Rudy, more than anything. Of course, Drew was amazing but she wanted her boy.

"We need you to push Amelia." the doctor told her.

"No, no," Millie said as Drew grabbed her hand.

"Millie you can do this, look at me," Drew said. "You are the strongest woman I know. You can do this."

"Okay," Millie said silently.

She started to push as she squeezed Drew's hand. The doctors encouraged her as the door swung open.

"I'm here, I'm here." Rudy said. Millie's eyes locked with his as tears streamed down his face. She continued to hold onto Drew's hand as Rudy wrapped his arms around her. After continuously pushing there he was. Amelia cried as he was placed into her arms, Drew backed away so that the two could have their moment.

"Hi baby" Millie cried looking at the baby. She looked at Rudy who was crying and her heart was warm and she was happy.

"My little man," Rudy said pushing his tears away.

Rudy and Millie sat with their baby as they just took in being with him.

"Should we bring in everyone to meet him?" Rudy asked.

"Yes please," Millie said wanting to see her friends and let him meet him.

The friends all piled into their room taking turns with the baby.

"Okay, what's his name?" Madelyn said.

"Yes, please tell us," Austin said.

"Is that enthusiasm out of Austin North?"

"Just tell us please," Chase said wrapping an arm around Maddie.

Bails put the baby back in Rudy's arms. As he leaned down into Millie.

"Fine, fine." Rudy said.

"You saying it or am I?" Millie asked.

"Oh my god just tell us." JD slightly yelled.

"Meet Coleman Drew Pankow."

Amelia locked eyes with Drew and Rudy said the name. A collective aw radiated in the room

"His middle name is Drew?" Drew asked.

"You almost had to deliver him, of course his name middle name is Drew." Amelia said tears welling in her eyes.

𝚕𝚒𝚕𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐

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