Mr. Till gives me a quick look and looks back up to the class. "Good morning students. I'm still glad that everyone did great at the end of the chapter test. So today, I was thinking that we all have a fun day. You can go on your phones, to the school store, or whatever satisfies you."

The class cheers in happiness. I took out my phone and earbuds to watch Netflix.

Eric walks by with an empty hot Cheetos bag. He mutters in my ear after he threw the bag away. "I bet you got a D like Mr. Till gave it to you over the weekend."

My eyes attained open in shock. Did he know about Lucas and I hanging out? Or that he is my tutor.

Eric leaves with a grin on his face.

Lucas walks up to me. "Is everything okay, Bella?"

I look up to him. "Y-yeah."

"Why are you stuttering."

"I'm n-not," I say, trying to play it cool.

"Come with me," He says, taking me out of the classroom. "What did Eric say to you?"


"Bella Ann Campbell."

"How do you know my middle name?"

"Your mom was telling me a story about it, but that's not the point. What did he say to you?"

"It's hard for me to say. I-its weird..."

"If I get paper, can you write it down?"

"I guess..."

He walks back into the classroom as I'm waiting in the hallway. He comes out with a sheet of paper and a pen.


I took the piece of paper and pen and took it to the wall so I can write what Eric said. I wrote, "Eric whispered in my ear saying, I bet you got a D like Mr. Till gave it to you over the weekend." I folded the sheet of paper and handed it to him.

He starts to unfold the sheet.

I put my hand on him. "Can you not open it by me."

"Yeah, let's go back inside."

I sat back in my seat. Lucas went to his desk and sat down. I stick my earbuds in my ears and pressed play on my show.

He glances at me and then gets up pissed. Lucas goes up to Eric and drags him by his ear.

"Yo, man whatcha doin!"

"Get the fuck out of my classroom, and don't come back! Go straight to the office and tell them what you did." He says, booting him out the door.

The class stares at Mr. Till as he walks back to his desk.

"From now on, if you say anything inappropriate, immature, offensive. I'm automatically giving you an F."

"You can't do that." A boy says in the middle aisle.

"I can, and I will. I tried being nice, but your friend Eric, is always running his foul mouth, and if you continue to still follow in his lead, you will be punished. I'm talking to you boys in the back. I already have a new seating chart made. No more Mr. Nice guy. Bring me up your phones now!" He says, grabbing a box and placing it on his desk.

The whole class brought up their phones and set them in the box.

"Everyone grab your stuff and move to the front of the classroom." Lucas places a small piece of paper in each seat. They all have names on them. "Alright, go find your name."

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