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Dalton and I are finally going to hang out. It has been a while. I'm telling him the news today. I am not sure how he will feel or take it. I know he loves me but knowing that I slept with Lucas and having his baby might not go well. Today he gets out of class at 3:20 and will swing by for at least an hour or two for an early dinner. My parents are at work, and Lucas is staying late at school. I wonder if any of the teachers or students know that Lucas and I are together and what's going on. I wonder about that often. For the early dinner, I'm making spaghetti with garlic bread.

I go to the freezer, grabbing the frozen garlic bread. I already have a pot of steaming water boiling. For the sauce, I will cook it towards the end. I take the pans out of the oven and set the timer to 350. I wait for the ding. I look over to the water that is almost to a boil. I take out the long stiff pasta and broke them in half. I place them in the pot without splashing myself. The timer goes off the oven, and I slide in the pan with the bread spaced out on it.

I tasted a noodle, and it was soft and ready to be eaten. I drained it in a strainer and let it rest under the sink. I use the same pot to cook the tomato sauce. I took the sugar that was by the coffee machine and poured some into the sauce to dilute the acid. Something that my mother taught me to do. While that heats up, I set the table. I poured one of Dalton's favorite drinks into a glass of ice. I gave myself homemade ice tea. I also fried up some meat, so I dump that into the sauce. Once it's all done, I mixed everything into one pot. I take out the kraft parmesan cheese out of the fridge, and I set it on the table along with other seasonings. I get a vibration from my back pocket.

D: "Almost there"

B: "Yay :) Dinner is almost done"

D: "Awesome! I am starving!"

B: "I made loads so you can take some home"

D: "You are the best"

B: "Hehe, I know. Now get off the phone. No texting and driving "

D: "Okay mom 😂"

Dalton arrives, and we do our daily hug every time we see each other.

"Come get your plate," I say, walking into the kitchen.

We sit ourselves down with full plates.

"So... I have got some big news. Should I tell you after we eat or now?"


"It might make you mad.."

"Tell meee." He says, begging.

I pull out the ultrasound photos, and he takes them from me.

He spits his food out in front of him. "Holy shit."

"I hope you are not mad..."

"Why would I be mad?"

"Erm... I don't know..."

"Just because you cheated on me and went with Lucas doesn't mean I am not going to support you. You are still my best friend, and I will always be there."

I smile. "Oop, well thanks, boo," I say, taking back the photos.

He laughs. "You better make me the uncle or godfather."

"Oh my god! I was thinking of that." I laugh loudly.

"Great minds think alike." He says, smiling with spaghetti sauce on his face.

"So... After dinner, can we go to the Cheesecake Factory? I am craving for it so baddd." I say, asking him.

"Sure! I have been meaning to go there since it just opened up."

"Awesome!" I say, shoving my pasta in my mouth, splattering the sauce all over me.

Dalton grabs my fork. "You are going to choke. We don't need that happening."

"Did that done that," I say, trying not to laugh.

"His face goes blank."

I snatch back my fork. "Ok okay, dad. I will slow down." I pause after twirling the pasta. "I really want that cheesecake."

"Why don't we go get some now?"

I smile and get up. "Let's shove the pasta in the fridge, and let's hit da road!"

He looks me up and down, laughing. "I will clean up as you go change."

I look down at my shirt and laugh. "Haha, okay."

I come back downstairs in a fresh shirt. I have learned my lesson to not slurp pasta aggressively when in a hurry.

"Lookin good, baby mama."

I laugh hysterically. "That's cute."

He smiles. "Let's go!"

He walks me out and opened his car door for me. We got to the mall with the factory. It's a cream color with a red logo. Dalton went ahead and ordered a Cinnabon cinnamon swirl cheesecake, and for me, I ordered a lemon meringue cheesecake. We also ordered two strawberry lemonades. We enjoyed our cheesecake with conversations that insisted on our jobs, baby talk, and family. On the way out, I ordered Lucas a caramel pecan turtle cheesecake. When we got home, I slumped on the couch while Dalton puts Lucas's dessert in the fridge.

He comes into the living room. "Should I head home?"

"No, come sit! Don't leave me lonely."

He sits next to me. "Netflix?"

I smile. "Yes."

He leans and grabs the remote from the coffee table and hands it to me.

I scroll, looking for a movie. "Anything in mind?"

"Um, how abo-"

"Ooo, Big Daddy!" I look over to him. "Oop, sorry... What were you saying?"

"Big Daddy is a classic! Let's watch it!"

(Dalton POV)

Bell falls asleep on my shoulder like the good ole days. I love it when she would do that when we were sleeping. I finished the movie for her. I hear the front door open, and Lucas walks in.

He sets his bag down at the door and takes off his shoes. He glances at Bell and smiles. "How is she?"

I get up carefully and gently lay her down and put her head on a pillow. "She's a full lady."

"Thanks for coming over. She really needed you. I have been staying late at school, and her parents are busy at work."

"It's not a problem. It was nice to see her." I say, smiling.

"I bet. You are ALWAYS welcomed. I love to see her happy with her best friend."

I check the time on my phone. "Well, I will get going. I got lots of homework to finish."

"Alright, have a nice night, bud."

"You too," I say, sliding on my shoes and getting ready to walk out the door. "Lucas."

He turns around. "Yes?"

"I would think she would want me to let you know that she and I went to the cheesecake factory, and she got you a piece. It's in the fridge."

"Great! Thanks." He says, covering Bella up with a living room blanket. 

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