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"Babe, can you get subway and these foods I am craving for later and the supplies I am wanting?" I say, handing him a list.

He takes the list and skims it. "Sure, anything for my princess." He says, kissing me on the lips. He slugs back on the couch. "I will do it later."

"I am kinda wanting it now for lunch."

He shrugs and gets up from the couch. "Alright, anything for you, baby. I am going to go get dressed, and then I will head out."

"Okie," I say, getting back to my phone game.

He comes down from my room wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

I look up from my phone. "Handsome man," I say, smiling at him.

"I thought on the way back, I would get you a surprise."

"Surprise?" I laugh. "Isn't the point of a surprise is not telling me you're giving me a surprise?"

"Shit." He chuckles. "Pretend I never told you." He says, pulling out his keys.

I giggle. "Okay, go get my stufffff. I want my subway."

"Yes, miss bossy." He says, blowing me a kissing as he is walking out the front door.

Lucas has been out for a while. I messaged him two times, and he hasn't answered. I was about to text him for the third time until he finally responded.

L: "Sorry for the wait, babe. My buddy needs help at his house. I will be home soon ❤️"

B: "Be safe but hurry back. Your babies are hangry 🥺💕"

L: "😘"

It's been an hour since that text. Our baby keeps kicking because daddy hasn't brought her food. All of a sudden, I feel water dripping down my legs. I quickly call Lucas.

"Hey ba-"

"Lucas! My water broke!" I say, interrupting him.

"Already? We got three more weeks to go!"

"What do I do?" I say, holding my stomach.

"Fuck I am a half-hour away. Get your parents or grandma."

"They have gone out for the night."

"Listen to me. You are going to hang up and call 911."

"No, I don't want you to go... I am scared."

"Bella, please. You have to." He pauses. "You know what, I will do it and call you straight back."

"Be quick."

(Lucas's POV)

I dial 911 as I am trying to drive with the sun glaring into my eyes.

"911, how may I assist you?"

"My girlfriend is pregnant, and her water broke, and no one is at the house to take her to the hospital. I am trying to get to her quickly, but I am thirty minutes away, and I won't make it."

"What is the address, sir?"

"****** ****** *****"

"We will send someone out there quickly."

"Thank you so-"

(Operators POV)

I listen in my headwear to catch a loud crash and tires squealing. "Sir? Are you there?"

*Call hangs up.*

(Bellas POV)

I bring myself over to the couch. Lucas hasn't called back, and I am all alone in distress. I spam call my mom until she answers. They are all on their way over and won't be long. They were on the way home in the first place. My mom stayed on the phone, trying to keep me calm. She hangs up the phone once they rush through the doors.

"I am going to get the preparation bag. One second, baby." My mom says, walking off.

My grandma comes over and comforts me. My mom comes back with the bag we prepared for this specific situation. My dad stands away, unsure of what he can do.

"Let's get you to the car."

I wrap my arms around my mom. "Wait, wait." I look over to my dad. "Dad, go get the pink bear in my room, please."

"Hunny, we have got to get going."

"Dad! PLEASE."

"Okay, dear! Anything for you." He says, dashing up the stairs.

I begin to cry. "Lucas hasn't called me back like he said he would. He was going to get ahold of 911. What if he is hurt?"

My mom looks through the screen door. "See! Here they are. Lucas is fine." My mom says, calming me down.

I get put in the ambulance. I am still concerned about Lucas. My mom is in here with me while grams and dad are behind us in the car. I hold onto the pink bear that Lucas got me on his birthday. I quickly get situated in a room, and they put on an epidural to numb some of the pain. Lucas still hasn't shown after multiple calls from my parents. I don't want to do this without him. My cervix is already dilated to the highest point, and my contractions are very close, causing me so much pain.

The obstetrician walks in. "It's time, dear."

"No, I can't! Not without Lucas." I say, groaning.

"We are here for you." My mom says, coming up with my grams. They hold each of my hands. My dad is out of the room since it would be strange for him.

I cry out. "Mom, I have a feeling something is wrong..."

"Everything will be okay." She says, comforting my head.

"Let's begin." The obstetrician states.

The doctor helps me through it all calmy, considering I was yelling at her like I was going to rip her head off. I had to push hard several times, making me lose my breath instantly. I was about to give up, but my grams and mom helped me through it. Every single moment I thought of Lucas. I wish he is here beside me, so he can cut the umbilical cord and experience his little girl's first cry. It's frightening because there is no sign of him. I watched the doctors hold my baby. I look at their faces once they clean off my baby and they stand there frozen but quickly sprung into action.

"What's happening?" I say, beginning to panic. I set myself up.

"Miss Campbell, please stay put. There is a complication but nothing to worry about."

"Tell me! Wait, why isn't my baby breathing?" I say, beginning to panic.

"Your baby is having trouble breathing, but everything will be okay." She looks over to one of the doctors. "Get this baby over to the NICU."

"Nothing to worry about?" I say, getting infuriated. I look at my mom, and she hugs my sweaty skin.

Once they take my baby girl out of the room, my phone rings. My mom walks over and gets it. She hands me the phone with an unknown caller calling. I hang it up. All I can think about is my little girl. Minutes have gone by, and I am staring at the blank white ceiling with the sound of the clock ticking over and over. My grams and mom are sitting in the chairs by the corner of the room. I feel my phone vibrate, so I pick it up to an unknown caller. I answered it, and I get the call that no one ever wants to get. I drop the phone in complete shock. The nurse comes in with my baby.

"What are you going to name this precious princess?"

Tears begin to swell my eyes. I look over to the pink stuffed bear and then back at the doctor. I blink with those tears trickling down my exhausted face. "Avery."

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