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The thunder cracked through the dark skies, splitting the darkness in two as the rain pelted down on the two weary figures, wrapped in cloaks, as they made their way through the autumnal forest. Leaves cracked brownly under foot and the wind winded between the trees of the forest. The full moon was ensconced snuggly behind a thick blanket of clouds, causing the shorter of the two men to look up and blink in scowling jealousy wishing himself to be equally cosy.

"Not long now, Gareth, the mugwort patch is just around the corner and then we'll head back!" Grinned the taller man, with a grin and cheer that was at disconsanant odds with the gale. His young companion let out a smile full of rue.

"You said that after we gathered the crumlax root" he said, hoisting the sack he was carrying higher onto his shoudler but trudging after the dark haired man's build nonetheless.

"Gaius will have both of our heads, if we come back without it, would you like to explain to Gaius why there's no Mugwort? Or to Geoffrey why he can't have his headache poltice?" insisted the man,

"No Merlin" replied Gareth sighing, smiling a little and rolling his eyes at the way the older man had taken him under his wing after the young squire had shown more interest in healing wounds than causing them, and considered it his duty to protect him from the grumpy psychican.

Merlin threw the boy a smile, as much as he had Gaius may threaten they'd never let any harm come to the boy - and not only just because then they would have had Gwaine to answer to if it did.

Another peal of thunder rang through the night, making the younger man jump before let loose a shakey laugh. Merlin smiled subtly. The pair's mirth covered the impending sound of encouraging danger.

An ominous twig snapped in two behind them, scant metres away, the pair barely had the space of a breath to turn before a howl whistled through the woods. A howl that ragged with the cragged and desolate fury of an abandoned stormy ocean.

"Gareth get behind me" Merlin says with his eyes sharply scanning the busky undergrowth, his voice level and calm, congruent to the thrumming fear he felt in his chest and shoulders.

"Merlin what-" the young blonde boy asked in panic, his wild eyes widely scanning the same bushes. Merlin glanced back at him over his shoulders.

"When I say run, run. You got that?" choked by fear he nodded, swallowing in his throat in an attempt to push down the lump forming there. There was a pause, the thunder rumbled distantly, moving away from the city.there was an inperceptible movement in the darkness.

"RUN!!" Merlin cried and Gareth whilred away through the rain branches whipping at his face, certain Merlin was steps behind him. A cracking flash split through the are but he kept running, hearing Merlin's footsteps join his own on the ground.

Paws thundered behind them violently.

"W-What is that?" stammered Garthe

"Just go! Don't look back!" He continued, as they tore through the trees, feet pounding across the sodden ground, squelching through the black mud. Garth's heart was lodged in his throat which burned with the sting of fear.

As he raced through the burly woodland, Gareth's foot caught in the hollow below the root of an ancient and gnarled oak. Gareth sprawled on the ground. Pushing himself up from the dirt and crime he looked back and up into the growling yellow eyes that bore done on him. He had seen thoses eyes in books - books of mythical beings. A Werewolf.

"M-Melin?" He stammered looking around desperately in the pitch of the dark for the older man.

"Ignis Pila!" he heard a powerful voice cry, and in a flash of heat and a yelp, the wolf was off him. He looked up frantically at MErlin and saw his eyes glowing gold in the dark. Magic.

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