Chapter 8

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Merlin awoke some time later with a splitting headache, arms stiff from being tied behind. He wriggles his shoulders and heard a groan from behind him.

"Arthur?" Merlin groaned, voice rough like gravel. He tried to turn, only to be stopped by a shard of pain in his skull.

"Merlin what happened?" Arthur hissed groaningly, tone also pained.

"We....may have been caputed by bandits" The sorcer winced and looked around. They were in a dark cave underground lit by torches stuck in the floor. The floor was covered in dirt and there was an echoing sound of a distant dripping noise. Tied back to back they were in the centre of the cave which had other corridors leading off. No one else was in the room with them.

"Brilliant. Very good job Merlin." The royal hissed with sarcasm.

"Me?! Pray tell how it this my fault?! You were the one screaming your head off in the forest!" the raven hair man retorted in a whispered shout.

"Which was your fault!" the other man pointed out, his voice going up.

"Oh yes I forgot I was responsible for you having a tantrum like a baby" shot back Merlin, zippily.

"You lied to me! You left!" The blonde haired man answered angrily to the side turning his head even though he couldn't see Merlin.

"You banished me!" Merlin shouted.

"At least I trust my friends!" Arthur responded in a mutter.

"What are you on about?" The warlock asked in exasperation and shock.

"You thought I was going to execute you!" Arthur raged, trying to turn to see the sorcerer. He hissed in pain.

"No?? I had no idea you already knew about the magic!" Merlin explained, voice loud and raised. Arthur stared at him, jaw lowered in shock.

"Then why di-" he started in a soft whisper, his eyes glintering, twisted around and watching Merlin.

"Oi. Lovebirds. Shut it!" Gruffed a melodorous voice. A figure shumbled into view, tall and shaggy haired, tawny locks and beard.

"What do you want from us?" Arthur asked, strong voice slicing into Merlin's head.

"We want money, and if we don't get it, from your la-di-da city, we're going send you back in parts" the thug sneered, while smirking. Merlin sighed deeply.

"Great....You know, I'm banished from Camelot. You'd probably have to pay them to me off your hands." Merlin said conversationly. The bandit growled deeply, raising a frustrated hand to his head.

"Put a sock in it, little man." He grunted with a snort.

"You won't get away with this you know! I am a heightened warrior!" Arthur shouted as he fumbled with his bonds. The bandit watched with a quirky amused eyebrow.

"Ooooh, I'm shaking!" he said, cackling with sarcasm. Merlin released a puff of laughter and Arthur glared in distaste.

"And I suppose you're just here to introduce yourself?" The king sarcased back. The bandit gave him a look.

"No, I was here to offer you water." He replied slowly, gesturing with his right hand which held a skein of water.

"We don't need your water!" Arthur snapped imperiously.

"I'd like some, please, I'm quite thirsty" Melin responded, tone much calmer, trying to mentally shut up his blonde companion with the power of thought.

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