1 - Zelda

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A/N: This chapter... it's... intense, to say the least.

Have fun.


The night had gone, and there was no sight of Zelda's dear younger sister.

"Kate isn't here..."

She had muttered the words over and over again as she paced the stable, disturbing the few patrons who slept in the middle of the day.

The sun wasn't quite blazing hot... After all, it had been frigid and raining just the night before.

The breeze made the smell of petrichor quite prominent, though it was quite cold and only left the princess shivering.

"You're going to catch a cold," Link had stated quietly, watching Zelda's panic.

"Kate... Oh, Kate... Please be okay..."

He gently placed a hand on Zelda's shoulder, trying to ease her mind. "She's capable of taking care of herself."

"Why didn't I just lift her up onto my horse!? What sort of idiot must I-!?"

"Zelda." His tone was stern, but his gaze was gentle. "We need to do something. Staying here won't-"

And Zelda retrieved her horse, simply leaving Link standing there. "You're right. I'm going to find Kate."

Link gave her a pensive look. And without a word spoken, Zelda knew his thoughts.

He wanted to just keep searching for the answers to the problem of the princess' unawakened power.

"...And I'm going with or without you."

Those words were all she needed to say to sway him to her side.

"Let me get Epona."


The two rode their horses back down the same path they had traveled the night before, finally coming across Katherine, who was lying still in the mud, eyes screwed shut.


She only got a grunt of acknowledgement from the younger princess.

Zelda had Link lift her up, some mud having dried in patches on her skin, in her hair and on her clothes.

She was quite obviously miserable as Link helped her up onto Epona, keeping her in front of him so he could ensure she wouldn't fall.


Katherine had fallen ill.

Very, very ill.

Violently ill.

Her skin was ghostly pale, the color almost resembling Zelda's white steed.

According to the story she had heard from the maids taking care of her, the younger princess had collapsed from exhaustion and passed out...

Being in the rain and covered by mud all night was not, by any means, helpful, and so she came down with something...

Zelda had chosen to ignore the other rumor, though.

She was intoxicated when she passed out.

Katherine had earned herself a certain reputation and coined a particular nickname...

The silenced princess, as the maids had put it.

Zelda refused to believe such a rumor. It must have been exhaustion...

Or perhaps she was simply being naïve, hoping for the words spoken to be untrue?

How well did she truly know Katherine, her own dear sister?

The thought was quite painful as it echoed through her mind, never ceasing...

"Father, may I visit her?" Zelda asked as he left the younger princess' room, a hardened look of fury on his face.

"No. She needs... rest."

Tears fell from Zelda's eyes as she heard her father's footsteps dissipate down the hall, and as she stared at the shut door before her.


She couldn't just leave her sister... Not again.

She threw the door open, intending to simply sit at her sister's side until she woke...

But she was instead greeted by the girl sprawled upon the floor, a look of agony painted across her face.

"No!" The word was clear and loud, and it shook Zelda to her core.


Katherine's fists were furled as she attempted to grip something, anything, clawing at the floor.

"She's doing it again..." A maid had whispered from the corner, a look of pure terror on her face.

"How scary..." Another maid had responded.

Zelda placed her hand gently on Katherine's back, "Kate..." She has whispered, stunned by her sister's behavior.

"These visions tear me apart! Why won't these words be literal!?" She sobbed, her anguish clear as day.

"Visions?" Zelda asked curiously.

Katherine was on the floor beside her, but she wasn't truly there.

"Will my pain never end? Why was I cursed with such a terrible thing!? Have I sinned beyond redemption, or something of the sort!? Why has the goddess chosen to forsaken me!?"

"Kate, please, listen-"

Katherine wobbly rose to her feet, mindlessly shoving Zelda aside. "The terror in these truths..." She slowly hobbled towards the window, gingerly placing her hand on the desk.

"Kate... Kate!"

Katherine reached for her shoulders, blank eyes meeting Zelda's.

"The visions of death! The visions of despair! The vision of those I love suffering beyond wit's en-!" And she collapsed, taking a vase down with her.

It shattered upon impact with the floor, and Katherine's hand began to bleed.

The maids cleaned it up and heaved her onto her bed.

Zelda was simply forced to listen to her sister's agonized voice.

"The visions..." Katherine had muttered under her breath. "My own death... Gruesome, and... Oh, the blood...! The blood that spills and runs like rivers..." Her voice was weak as she sobbed. "A blade to my throat... And gone, I am, fighting for a breath that shall never come..."

"Your highness, you shouldn't be seeing this."

Zelda stared at her sister as one of the maids gently guided her out of the room.

A blade to my throat... And gone, I am, fighting for breath that shall never come...

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