5 - Zelda

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Link and Zelda were drenched in sweat as they ran far away from the castle, only stopped once they came across a stable to stay the night.

"We'll get horses in the morning," Link stated, pointing to the sky illuminated by a crescent moon. "It's late."

Zelda nodded as Link paid for two beds and Zelda laid down on her side, turned away from where Link would be sleeping.

Her thoughts kept her plenty occupied.

I forgot Kate's diary...

I should learn how to defend myself...

How could I forget her diary!?

Should I ask Link to help me?

What should I do?

Zelda felt tears well up in her eyes as it all set in.

Kate is dead.

She stifled her sobs, rubbing her eyes with her palms, trying to be rid of her tears.

Time passed, and Zelda could hear Link's soft snoring. She tried to distract herself with it...

The first time she'd noticed it, she was a bit stunned. She hadn't anticipated that he'd make any sort of noise, so in his sleep...

Zelda slowly shuffled out of her bed, unable to sleep.

She walked outside, stopping when she caught sight of a merchant who looked like Katherine.

She rubbed her eyes a few times before the sight vanished... The merchant looked nothing like her.

I'm seeing things now...

But the merchant was selling armor and weapons.

Zelda took some rupees from the bag Link had grabbed from her room, knowing it was all meant to be spent on her anyways.

Zelda immersed herself in a conversation with the merchant, who taught her a few things about elixirs, the benefits of certain armor and different sorts of weapons.

"I'd imagine you wielding something basic or something easy to hide, your highness."

"Something easy to hide?"

"Daggers, for instance... If nothing else, a pebble could do wonders for self-defense. Sand or dirt, too. Throw it in the sucker's eyes, and- Oh, sorry. I was about to get a bit carried away, there! Is there anything specific you're looking for?"

"What's something easy to learn?"

"Do you want something long-range or something for close quarters? There are throwing daggers, there are lances, the classic bow and arrow, too... Then there are swords and- Oh, and beyond range, there're swords that require two hands, and others requiring one... And then there are shields to think about, as well."

"I'll be right back," Zelda promised. "There's someone I need to consult."

"Alright. Take your time, your highness. I've got all night."

Zelda gave the merchant a friendly smile before nervously prodding Link awake. I hope he doesn't attack me, thinking I'm an intruder or something...

He jumped up almost immediately, grabbing Zelda's hand but not acting on it.

"Your highness?"

"Which weapon is easiest to learn?"

"I don't know... It depends on who's learning and who's teaching."

"If I was to pick up a weapon to learn, which one would be easiest for you to teach?"

"Sword," he answered her question without any hesitation.

"What kind of-?"

"What's this about?"

"I want to learn how to defend myself."

Link finally let go of her hand, rising to his feet and stretching before turning to face Zelda again. "Okay. I'll teach you. Let's get you a few things... We'll practice before sleeping every night."

"You have no objections?"

"No. I think it's great you want to be able to defend yourself, actually," Link yawned as he stretched again. "Self-defense is pretty important... And in case I'm busy handling something else, it would be great if I didn't have to worry so much. I'm happy to teach you."

He said he was happy, but the expression on his face didn't quite match... He didn't look upset, but definitely didn't look happy.

He looked... relaxed.

How could he possibly be so calm through all of this?

And she started crying again. "Link, what do I do?" She flung herself towards him, wrapping her arms around him as she sobbed.

She asked the question rhetorically, not expecting to hear an answer.

"You should remember that you aren't alone."

It didn't sound like it was something she was actually supposed to hear...

But she smiled into his shoulder, even as her tears streamed down her cheeks.

I am not alone...

Kate... I wish she was here, too...

Link rubbed her back as she cried.

I am not alone, and this is not the end...

Out-Voiced (BotW fanfic) (on permanent hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now