Chapter One

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Sophie walks down the hall to get to lunch. She was so glad that it was lunchtime and she could finally get a break from classes. She walks through the hallway, noticing something. The school billboard has a new poster? Sophie walks over and reads the poster. The color drains from her face. 

{The Thelia! 

We have heard that schools in the Forbidden Cities do dances at their schools. So why not Foxfire? Bring a date or come alone! It will be a blast.}

Oh no, it won't. Seriously? Thelia? So what it's like, PROM?! ughhhhhhh! she swears that Take a Hint is gonna start playing in her head. 

"What's that you got there, Foster?" Sophie hears a voice behind her. Keefe. She turns around and points at the poster. 

"The Thelia..." he starts mumbling the words as he reads. "Hmm. I'm guessing you went to dances in the forbidden cities?" Keefe asks. 

"As if. I was always the freak at my school. No one wanted to go with me. I bet no one will ask me here either." Sophie says, her shoulders slumping. 

"Mmhmm. Sure they won't. Would you want to-"

"Hey guys! What's that?" Fitz interrupts, pointing at the poster.

Ro mumbles something that sounds like "Seriously?" Meanwhile, Keefe looks mildly annoyed. 

"A dance? that's cool." Fitz says. He turns to Sophie and opens his mouth, but Sophie is already telling the rest of the group. Keefe heads over to join them, but before he does, he turns to Fitz and glares at him. Fitz smirks and walks over to the group. They sit down for lunch, talking about the dance. Word starts spreading about it, and soon everyone is talking about it. 

The chatter in the cafeteria was very loud. Louder than usual actually, which was saying something.

"Ugh. what if no one asks me?" Sophie says to Biana. She scoffs, taking a bite off her puffy, purple, bread-looking thing.

"Puh-lease. I'm sure every boy at school will be asking you to the dance." Biana says.

"Nah, they'll be too busy asking you," Sophie says. 

"You'll see..." Biana says. Dex turns to them and joins in the conversation.

"How are you honestly so oblivious?" Dex teases her. Sophie gives him a look of confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asks. Dex and Biana shake their heads and laugh.

I hope you guys like this so far! Please show some support! Luv u guys! Btw I Luv take a hint


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