Chapter 4

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I'm changing to past tense. It's just easier for me. 

Sophie woke up and yawned. For the first time in like, forever, she actually slept. Sophie and Keefe haven't told the others what happened yet. They were all going to meet today at Everglen because Biana said she planned a fun day for the group. Sophie got out of bed and went to her closet. She grabbed a simple tunic and a pair of leggings, like usual. She then stopped, and thought, Maybe I could try a skirt today?  She took out a simple black skirt that went to her mid-thigh. Then she took out a red fitted shirt and her cape. She also grabbed a swimsuit, because the Vackers have just gotten a pool. She also grabbed her pajamas and anything else she would need for the sleepover. She changed and went over to her mirror. She decided to let Vertina help her a little today. When she got in range, Vertina's face popped up in the top corner.

"Finally, you decided to wear something other than pants. It was getting boring." Vertina said.

"Could you um... Help me with my hair and um, make up?" Sophie said. Vertina's eyes lit up. 

"Yes! Finally! Okay, go get some hair pins and- Wait, do you have any makeup?" Vertina asked.

"Hmm... I don't. Let me go ask Edaline to she if she has an idea." Sophie said. She then left the room and headed downstairs. "Edaline!" She said. Edaline looked up from her food and smiled at her. 

"Good morning Sophie!" Edaline said. 

"Could you help me find some makeup?" Sophie asked. 

"Really?! Of course! Jolie has a lot of makeup she never used, so I took out the unused ones and put them in my room to keep. Just in case." Edaline replied. They took out the box from Edaline's room and brought it into Sophie's room. 

"Oh good! You found some! Okay, first the hair." Vertina said. She guided Sophie through a cute side braid. "Now for the makeup! Hmm... your skin is clear, so we dont need foundation or concealer, So we can start with the eyes..." They went through the look. Sophie didn't want too much eyeshadow, so they went subtle. It was also all waterproof, since it was specially designed by Hydrokinetics. After they were done with her makeup, Sophie thanked Vertina. "No problem! It was actually fun!" Vertina said. Sophie went downstairs and ate breakfast. Her team of bodyguards and her leaped to Everglen. 

Biana met her at the gates. "Hey Soph! Wait- Did you finally decide to start wearing makeup?! It looks good!" Biana said. 

"Thanks. Am I the first to arrive?" Sophie asked. 

"No, Dex, Tam and Linh are already here. We are just waiting for Wylie and Keefe." Biana replied. Right after she said that, Keefe appeared. 

"Hey Biana, Hey Fost-" Keefe stopped and stared at her for a moment then snapped out of it. "Sorry. Am I late?" Keefe asked. Sophie was blushing a tiny bit. 

"Only fashionably late. We're still waiting on- oh nevermind there he is." Biana answered as Wylie appeared. 

"Hey Biana, Keefe, Sophie. Sorry I'm a little late." Wylie said. 

"No worries." Biana said. They all went inside to the main living room, where Dex, Tam, Linh, and Fitz were sitting on couches and chatting. Wylie went over and sat down next to Linh, And Keefe and Sophie sat down next to Fitz. Biana stood in front of the couches and clapped her hands. "Attention everyone! Today is Fun Day! I have a whole day planned. We're gonna play games, have fun, and do competitions! Yay!" Biana said excitedly. "First is a Cupcake decorating challenge! Follow me into the kitchen!" Biana said. Everyone filed into the large kitchen, where stations had been set up for each person. "Okay, you guys can choose between two flavors. Chocolate or Vanilla. Sophie, you start." Biana said.

"Chocolate please." Sophie said. Biana put her cupcake in front of her. 

"Vanilla" Keefe said.

"I'll have chocolate, please" Dex said. 

"Vanilla please" Fitz said. 

"Chocolate, please." Tam said. 

"I made a dark chocolate one for you." Biana said. 

"Thanks," Tam replied with a smile. 

"Vanilla, thanks" Linh. 

"Same here." Wylie said. 

"And I'll be taking chocolate." Biana said. "Okay, three, two, one. GO!" Biana said. Everyone started decorating. When they finished, Della came around to judge the cupcakes. Sophie did a cupcake that looked like an alicorns face. Keefe did a portrait of Sophie. Dex did a cupcake with graham crackers that looked like little cogs. Fitz did his family crest. Tam did a cupcake with black frosting, oreos, and black sprinkles. Linh did a cupcake with blue frosting made to look like waves. Wylie did a portrait of Prentice. Biana did a pink cupcake with edible pink glitter, little pieces of strawberries and a teal candy heart on top.

"All of your cupcakes were amazing, but the winner is...Sophie!" Della said. Sophie grinned. Everyone ate their cupcakes and went back to the living room. 

"Ok! The next activity is a RAP BATTLE! The competitors will be: Tam against Keefe." Biana announced. Tam and Keefe glared at each other like, it's on. "This is gonna be good." Biana said. Everyone went to the main entrance and made a wide circle with Tam and Keefe in the middle. 


Hey! You think you better than me?
Well news flash, I'm cooler than you'll ever be.
You just hide in the shadows, I'm the center of attention
You don't rule anything, but I'm the King of Detention 


What- You think you're cool? Nah you're too hot
I would never like you! I'd rather be shot.
You're just a puppet, your mom's little toy
Cause underneath all the jokes you're just a scared little boy


You're right, I'm hot. I'd probably make you melt.
I've felt more emotions than you've ever felt.
I'm just a puppet? Well at least I'm unique
How's it feel to have your sister share your exact physique?


People call me Emo. But that means I have emotion.
To get you to confess you would need a love potion.
Actually, I'm glad that you don't have a twin
Another one who looks like you? I might throw up, gimme the bin


I feel the love right now. In this very room. 
Oh, but don't worry, it ain't directed at you.
Listen, in a popularity vote, I always come on top
You thought people liked you? Sorry to make your bubble pop.


Ha! You're funny, cause your life is a joke.
I laughed so hard that I almost choked.
At least one member of my family loves me
Why don't you go cry to your daddy and mummy?
Oh wait-


You're choking? Good! I hope you die from it.
Cause ditching your funeral would so be lit!
Look, I get it, you're new to the group
Lemme be the first to tell you that there's no
place. for. you


You care about your hair more than you care about your friends.
I live for the day when you get split ends.


You think you're so cool cuz your bangs are shiny.
And every time you flip them, I wanna kick your hiney.

"And that was Tam Vs Keefe! Comment who one." Biana said. "The next activity will be in the pool! Change into your swimsuits and let's swim!"

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