Chapter two

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Ok, you guys should totally listen to the song while you read!

Sophie runs down the hall to class. She hears a voice behind her, and a song starts playing in her head

La. la la la la la la. la la la la. La. la la la la la la. la la la la.

"Hey Sophie! do you wanna go to the dance with me?"

Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like?

"No sorry." Sophie keeps walking. She hears someone call her name. It sounds like Keefe, but Sophie keeps walking.

I can always see 'em coming from the left and from the right.

Sophie opens the door to her classroom. Most of the boys in the class stare at her as she takes a seat.

I don't wanna be a priss, I'm just tryna be polite

A boy hands her a note. 'Dance? yes or no' Sophie checks no and writes sorry below it. She hands it back.

But it always seems to bite me in the,

Class ends. Sophie heads to her locker for her next class. A girl comes up behind her and asks if she wants to go with her to the dance. Sophie shakes her head no.

Ask me for my number, yeah you put me on the spot

Sophie is jogging to her next class. "Hey Sophie do you wanna-" 
"No thanks"

You think that we should hook up but I think that we should not.

Fitz comes up to her "Sophie can I ask you something?" 
"Later Fitz. Or I'll be late to class."

You had me at hello

"Hi Sophie!"

Then you opened up your mouth

"I was wondering if you-"

And that, is when, It started going south. OH!

"Sorry Valin but no!" Sophie replies, heading to PE.

Get your hands off my hips.

"Would you go to the-"

Or I'll punch you in the lips!

"Ugh! no!"

Stop you staring at my- hey!

She passes Biana. She has a mix of I told you so and I feel sorry for you on her face. Sophie gives her a look of Why me? 

Take a hint! Take a hint!

Keefe is leaning on the wall outside of PE. His eyes light up when he sees Sophie. "Hey, Foster! can I talk to you?" 

No you can't buy me a drink!

"Can it wait until later? Sorry Keefe I don't want to be late" She says, hurrying into PE. 

Lemme tell you what I think!

"Sophie! I-"

 I think you could use a mint,


Take a hint! Take a hint!

Sophie keeps getting asked as her day goes on. But she keeps declining. She decides that she can't take it anymore. 

"OK everyone! I am going to the dance alone! You can talk to me when I'm there ok?!" Sophie finally heads home. She sits on her bed and groans, flopping on to her mattress. She feels her imparter buzzing in her pocket. Keefe. She answers it.

 "Hey, Keefe. What's up?" Sophie asks. 

"Not much. how about you?" Keefe replies.

"Ugh. today has been the worst! people keep asking me to go to the dance!" Sophie replies back.

"Wow Foster. your life is terrible." Keefe says, full of sarcasm.

"Oh, right. Who are you going with?" Sophie asks.

"Well, a few girls asked me, but I declined." Keefe says. "Who are you going with?" He asks looking away.

"No one. Hey, what did you want to talk to me about earlier?" Sophie asks.

"Uh, It's nothing," Keefe says, fidgeting. Sophie hears Ro groan in the background.

"Oh um, ok. Hey do you know who everyone else is going with?" Sophie asks. 

"No, I haven't asked yet." He replies.

"Hmm. I know! I'll invite the group over!" Sophie says.

"Cool. I'll be over soon." Keefe says, hanging up. 

Everyone arrives at Havenfield and they all sit down in the living room. 

"Ok lets take turns talking. Biana, you go first." Sophie says.

"Well... I'm going with Tam!" Biana says beaming. Tam looks down, blushing and smiling. 

"I knew it!" Linh says. "Do I know my twin brother or what?" Tam glares at her.

"Good for you two! Ok, now Dex." Sophie says.

"I'm actually going to Dj! you know because I'm a technopath." Dex says 

(A/n Btw In this version of elf world, they actually have human music.)

"Oh that's cool!" Sophie exclaims. "Ok Linh your turn."

"I'm going with Wylie," Linh says, smiling at Wylie. He smiles back at her.

"Awww! that's great! Fitz?" Sophie says.

"Oh um. No one. Unless you want to go with me?" Fitz asks, looking at Sophie. Keefe growls a bit. But not loud enough for Sophie to hear. But Fitz certainly does. He glances at Keefe with a look of amusement on his face. Like he is getting a kick out of making Keefe jealous. 

"Sorry Fitz. I'm going alone." Sophie replies.

"Same" Keefe adds.

"Well. I'll see you guys later! bye!" Sophie says.

Everyone goes home.

I hope you guys like the story so far! Luv u guys! Comment if you have any suggestions.


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