Chapter Three

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Sophie and Biana and Linh are all at Havenfield. They are all getting ready for the Thelia. and yall know how fancy-schmancy elves are. 

Sophie is wearing a red dress

Biana is wearing a Royal Indigo colored dress

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Biana is wearing a Royal Indigo colored dress.

Linh is wearing an orange and pink sunset ombre dress (that is quite the mouthful)

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Linh is wearing an orange and pink sunset ombre dress (that is quite the mouthful)

And they all look bootiful

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And they all look bootiful. "You all look beautiful!" Edaline says. They all walk downstairs and the doorbell rings. Tam and Wylie are at the door. Tam sees Biana and he stares at her for a moment, then he realizes he is staring and he looks away blushing. 

"I- uh. You look really... beautiful." He says. 

"Thanks! You look nice too!" Biana says smiling. Wylie sees Linh walk forward.

"You look really nice Linh." Wylie says. Tam gives him a look like, you better take good care of her.  

"Should we go?" Sophie asks. They all head up to the leapmaster and head to Foxfire. The gym has been decorated beautifully. When they walk in a couple of people turn to look.

Keefe's Pov

I'm chatting with Fitz at the Thelia, with my eyes watching the door. I am waiting for a certain brown-eyed girl to walk through the door. 

"Wait you like mallowmelt better than-" I stop when I see Sophie walk through the door. My jaw drops. She looks so beautiful. Her eyes meet mine and I look away blushing. Wait- BLUSHING? oh god. If she saw that then she would tease me forever. I look at Fitz to see the same expression on his face. She walks over. I need something to tease her about. But she looks so perfect that I can't find a single flaw. 

"Wow. Keefe Sencen is speechless. I never thought it was possible." She says, grinning. But I could tell she was pleased with our reactions. 

"Um. You look nice, Foster." I say. really? that's all I'm gonna say? She makes me so nervous sometimes. She blushes none the less. Mission accomplished. 

"Hey, your face matches your dress! They're both red!" I say smirking. She's still blushing but she smiles. Then suddenly the song Sit still look pretty by Daya comes on. 

"I love this song!" Sophie exclaims. She starts singing along. Wow. She has a great voice! We all start singing it. Then the song ends and we are all out of breath. Then a slow song comes on. 

"Hey Sophie, do you wanna dance with me?" Fitz asks. Ughhhh. I wish he would stop asking her. I can feel how uncomfortable it is for her since they broke up. 

"Sorry Fitz, but I- uhh. I'm gonna get some punch," She says walking over to the punch table, where Linh is chatting with Wylie.  

"Hey, Biana? can I talk to you?" I say to Biana. 

"Yeah sure. Be right back Tam!" Biana replies. We walk to a corner of the gym. 

"Um I just needed to ask you something," I say to her. 

"Sure! what is it?" Biana replies. 

"Does Sophie- um. does she like me?" I ask. 

"I'm sorry Keefe but I can't tell you that. That would be breaking the best friend code. You should ask her yourself." Biana says. 

"But... I'm nervous." I say, mumbling the last part. 

" I know you can do it Keefe. Now go ask her!" Biana says, encouraging me. 

"Thanks, Biana," I say. 

"No problem Keefe," Biana says. I walk towards Sophie. She is getting punch from the bowl and she trips, her drink spills and it's about to fall on her dress when suddenly the punch starts floating in the air.  

"Phew! that was close!" Linh says, putting the punch back into Sophie's cup. 

"Hey Foster can I talk to you?" I say. 

"Sure Keefe. What's up?" Sophie replies. 

"Um. Let's go outside." I say. She looks confused but she nods her head. We walk outside to the school courtyard and sit down on a bench. 

"Listen Sophie I- I like you. A lot. I was trying to give you hints but... I guess you didn't notice. And I know that you probably don't feel that way about me, but I couldn't hide my feelings forever." I say. I hold my breath, waiting to see what she will say. 

"Keefe I- had no idea. I like you too." She says smiling. I smile so big right then. Those are the words that I have wanted to hear since I met her.

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