Chapter 5

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Sophie went up to the room that she stayed in at Everglen. She had brought a red one-piece swimsuit, with gold details. She changed and grabbed her towel, which had alicorns on it. She then headed downstairs to the pool. Tam and Keefe were arguing over which shampoo company was better. Fitz and Biana were laughing at them. Linh was doing water tricks for Wylie. Dex was blowing up a giant Alicorn floatie. Della was there to supervise. Sophie put her towel down on one of the tables on the pool deck. She then went over to the diving board and did an EPIC front-flip into the pool. Then Dex did a pencil dive into the pool. Biana did a dive. Keefe did an awesome cannonball. Linh went over to Tam and whispered something in his ear. Tam nodded and got on the diving board. Tam jumped off and Linh made a wave that pushed him over to the other side of the pool, where he accidentally crashed into Biana.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright, Biana?" Tam asked her.  

"I'm fine! Don't worry," Biana assured him. Wylie proceeded to jump into the pool. Fitz followed after him. Linh did a crazy routine with water when she jumped in. Keefe swam up to Sophie and made a huge splash in her face. 

"Oh, It...Is...ON!" Sophie said. Every one started splashing each other and laughing.  

"Hey, we should play Impressions!" Biana said. "Impressions is where one person is the judge and they say a person that we all know. It could be one of us too. Then, we all go up onto the diving board and do our best impression of that person. Mimicking the voice doesn't make it better or worse, since that would be unfair. But you can if you want to. After you finish your impression, you jump into the water. Della, how about you be the judge." Biana explained.

"Ok, the first impression is of... Sophie!" Della said. 

"Wait, do I have to do me?" Sophie asked. 

"No, you sit out if it's you," Biana answered. Linh went first.

"Oh by the way guys, I just got like, ten new abilities!" Linh said.

"Are you guys sure you want to come with?" Tam said.

"I'm oblivious to everything! But I'm also adorable so it's fine," Keefe said in Sophie's voice.

"I almost died again!" Fitz said.

"Oh, you want me to almost die just to save my friends? sure!" Biana said.

"*Yawns* Sorry guys, I forgot to sleep like, the past three years of my life," Wylie said.

"Hey guys, I found out I can do ANOTHER thing that's supposed to be impossible!" Dex said

"OK! It was pretty close, but the winner is......Tam! That was 100,000% accurate!" Della said.

"Wow... I'm WEIRD." Sophie said, and she and everyone else started laughing.

"Ok! The next impression will be Keefe!" Della declared.

"I'll go first!" Tam volunteered. Keefe groaned.

"Oh hey, I'm Keefe, and this is My Hair, it's super good-looking but it hates when people touch it! I take very good care of it, I always pet it and style it, like every single day." Tam said in a mocking high pitched voice. 

"My hair isn't a pet dude," Keefe said. 

"Are you sure about that?" Tam replied. 

"Ok, I think that's enough impressions," Biana said. After they all played some more they decided it was time to go back inside. As they were walking toward the gate surrounding the pool deck, Sophie tripped and almost fell face-first onto the concrete, but Keefe caught her.

"You have got to stop tripping," Keefe said as he pulled her back up to her feet.

"I didn't trip I was- uhh... testing gravity!" Sophie said. Tam and Dex snorted, Wylie, Biana, Linh, and Fitz's faces were red and they were trying not to laugh. Sophie was smiling at what she said while looking at the ground Keefe was looking up at the sky with his lips pressed tightly together, but you could see that he was smiling. He looked down and when his eyes met Sophie's he burst out in laughter. Everyone started laughing, including Sophie. Then they all went inside.

Sophie took a quick shower and she changed back into her clothes. She then went down to the room that everyone was gathered in, which was basically like a second living room. Everyone sat down on the couches. 

"So what should we play?" Linh asked. 

"Truth or dare?" Biana said grinning at Sophie. 

"Nope! Nuh-uh. Noooo way." Sophie said, shaking her head. 

"What about would you rather?" Dex suggested. Everyone agreed. "Ok, Sophie how about you go first?" Dex said.

"Sure. Biana, would you rather burn to death or freeze to death?" Sophie asked. 

"Hmm... probably freeze. OK, Fitz, would you rather be a gnome or a dwarf." Biana said.

"A Gnome. Tam, would you rather hug Fintan or Keefe." Fitz said.

"Come on really?" Tam said. He then mumbled something that no one could hear.

"You got to say it louder Tam," Fitz said. 

"Keefe alright! Geez..." Tam said, annoyed. Keefe looked surprised. "Ok, Linh, would you rather lose your ability in the middle of the ocean, or be a Pyrokinetic?" Tam asked.

"Ooh, that's a hard one! Ummm, probably Pyrokinetic. Okay Wylie, would you rather be blind or deaf?" Linh asked.

"Blind probably. Dex, would you rather kill one of the alicorn babies or one of the adults?" Wylie asked.

"Woah seriously? Um, I guess one of the adults? The babies have more potential because they are younger. Ok Keefe, would you rather be ugly but smart, or pretty but dumb?" Dex asked.

"Aw come on! That's so hard! But probably pretty but dumb. 'K Foster, would you rather live in a tiny home with a big family, or in a big home by yourself?" Keefe asked. 

"I would definitely choose a tiny house with a big family." Sophie said.

"We should play base quest!" Keefe said. Everyone agreed, and they headed outside.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sorry, it took so long, I had a huge writer's block.  I luv you guys!


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