The start

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They talked everyday. They became closer than ever before. After realizing and doing everything he could to be a better person than he was, she began to see how much he had changed. They had a closer friendship but she was still skeptical of choosing to hangout and rightfully so. He wasn't the best he could have been for her in the past. But through everything she forgave him and continued to give him a chance to prove how he changed. Johnny thought maybe it wasn't a bad idea to try dating again with someone else he talked to some. He thought he wanted someone who would be clingy to him all the time, and constantly want his attention. But he realized he didn't need that. It was being with someone like that he realized his own mistake. He seeked satisfaction through others because he didn't have it himself. But now after all he has overcame he learned to love himself, and was very content with who he had become. Johnny and Aimee were still good friends. But johnnys girlfriend at the time Sammy didn't like how he talked to her so frequently and didn't want Johnny talking to her anymore. Johnny knew the importance of Aimee's friendship. And he decided it was time to make a choice. It was then he and Sammy went separate ways and Johnny moved on from there. Johnny focused on what he set out to do. He did a 5k. He didn't realize going into it that he had stress fractures his foot a week prior from all the rigorous constant running. But it became apparent at the beginning of the race. But determined Johnny said I'm going to do what I said I would. This is important to me, I didn't work this hard for nothing. And he continued running through all the pain. He did it, and he finished in tenth place out of 60 plus people. Something rather impressive. Especially since he had broken his foot. His foot was swollen pretty badly and discolored but he chose to believe it was a sprain. He went back to work even through the pain. He went to the doctor one month later for a check up where they decided to do an X-ray. He found out his "sprain" was in fact a broken bone in his foot from all the extra stressful running he was doing. More challenges presented themself.

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