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Me and jungkook were speechless. None out of the two dared to speak. We don't know if we should believe the proof our director provided or should we believe the friendship, because the director sounded pretty confident.

But on the other hand, I don't feel like taehyung and jin would ever betray me.

"Y/n?!" Jungkook snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I replied. "Y/n, why don't u call and confront them. It would be better."

"U r right! I think it's better to confront both of them before jumping straight to the conclusions." I agreed to his idea.


We reached home and decided to call both of them. I first dialed jin's number. He didn't pick up. I tried calling again. He rejected the call.

I looked at jungkook with sadness completely visible in my eyes. "He
r-rejected the call" My voice cracked.

"It's okay. Try calling taehyung." He said still trying to cheer me up. "Okay" I then called taehyung. It's ringing. "Hello" he answered.

"Hello tae-" I spoke but he cut me off.
"Y/n, I'm a bit busy. I'll call u back later." He said and disconnected the call.

"He said that he is busy." I looked down & tears started forming in my eyes. Jungkook noticed it and gently pulled me into a hug. "It's okay y/n. U trust them,right?" He asked rubbing my back and calming me down. I nodded in the hug. "Yes, I do trust them b-but I don't know what to feel." I said between my sobs.

My phone started buzzing. I broke the hug and looked at the caller ID. "Who is it?" Jungkook questioned. "Director" I said answering the call. "Hello?" I spoke.

"Hello y/n! We filed a lawsuit in the emergency category and so it's first hearing is tomorrow." He explained.

"OK so. Are jin and tae going to show up tomorrow?" I asked. "Yes obviously they will. It is about them so we will provide all the proof against them and then court will give its final decision. So u need to be there at 11 in the morning along with jungkook"

"Okay! no worries, we will be there" I said. Jungkook also heard everything as the phone was on speaker.  "Make up your mind and be ready for the result. U have to cope up with whatever the outcome will be. Promise me." Jungkook asked worried.

"Yes!! I promise. Who else do I need when I have u kook." I assured him giving a little smile.


*The Next Day*

We reached the court as per the time given. We got seated in the front row. Taehyung was sitting in the row beside us. He saw us coming but didn't look at us even once.

I'm glaring the shit out of him and he knows that but still isn't glancing at me. "Leave it. Stop staring at him." Jungkook ordered annoyed by taehyung's disappointing behaviour.

This crushed my heart. This was never expected from taehyung. Like never in my lifetime.

"Where is jin?" Jungkook asked looking around the court room. "Hello" a voice came from behind. Me and jungkook turned around to look at the person.

"Hello!! I'm your lawyer. Your company appointed me for today. I have all the details required so don't bother to explain." He said smiling.

"Oh hey, myself y/n." I introduced myself. "I recognised u because of the mask. And I guess this gentleman is Mr. Jungkook." He said. "Yes. I'm jeon jungkook. Nice to meet u. And u?" Jungkook asked and they both exchanged a formal handshake.

"Myself Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet u too." He replied.


It was time for the hearing as judge has also arrived but still there are no signs of jin showing up. The judge asked taehyung about both jin and their lawyer. Even taehyung is clueless because jin and their lawyer were going to come together.

"Now this is fishy because both of them haven't showed up yet." Namjoon spoke. "What if they both are teamed up and taehyung is innocent." Jimin spoke out of nowhere. I gasped turning around.

"When did u get here?" Jungkook asked shocked. "It's been 2 minutes." Jimin was sitting right behind us.

"If the other candidate doesn't arrive in next 5 minutes then we will dismiss the court here." The judge exclaimed.

Taehyung is not showing any kind of emotion. Just sitting alone and blankly staring at the front. Jimin saw that and went to sit next to him.

I don't know about jin now but I do feel like taehyung is innocent. My instincts don't allow me to believe that taehyung could do such a horrible thing to me. Like never in my wildest dreams. He could never betray me like this. EVER.

"Just one more minute and the court will be dismissed." The judge announced. All of us are tapping our feet impatiently waiting for jin to show up. Only 15 seconds more.

If he doesn't show up then he has to face consequences for taking the matter so lightly. Yesterday when I called, he didn't even pick my call up.

"The time is up and the court is dism-" The judge was announcing but he got cut off by a voice coming from behind. The door swung open and there entered jin.

"Wait!!" He said and made his way and stood right in front of the judge.
"I'm extremely sorry for not being on time. I highly apologise for breaking the rule. But I have found the person who actually is guilty regarding the matter." Jin said making us all gasp in shock.

"If u allow, I would like to bring that person here. And I would like to prove myself and Mr. Kim Taehyung innocent." Jin asked for the permission by doing a 90 degree bow.

"Damn, This dude is handsome." Namjoon spoke out of nowhere. Me and jungkook were glaring at him. "Sorry!! Bad timing. But I'm gonna ask him out for sure after this session ends. He is hot." Namjoon shrugged. "Whatever! But for now can u please focus where u need to" jungkook asked rolling his eyes completely annoyed.

"U have the permission to bring that person in the court." The judge permitted.

"Bring him in!!!!" Jin called out to their lawyer to bring him in. We all looked back towards the door in unison.

There comes their lawyer along with that person. And he is-

"WHAT!!?" Me, jungkook, taehyung and jimin all yelled in unison and stood up shocked looking at the person who their lawyer brought.

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