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warning: sexual themes

"this is peaceful, isn't it?" san spoke as the two walked through the dense forest. it was a hot, sunny day but the thick foliage provided just enough shade.

"I can't remember the last time I did this" wooyoung answered, enjoying the feeling of the light breeze on his face. he closed his eyes for a moment to take in the feeling of being out in the open. san noticed this and felt content with how much happier and healthier wooyoung was looking recently.

he moved his hand towards wooyoung's and lightly brushed his fingers on the other's skin. taking the hint, wooyoung wrapped his fingers around san's and they continued walking hand-in-hand.

"you look really good today, woo"

wooyoung was still wearing his usual joggers and hoodie combo, but he looked just a little less delicate and a little more glowing.

"like, really good"

wooyoung could feel himself getting warmer under his clothing at san's words. something about the look in san's eyes made wooyoung feel like he would be prepared to lose his virginity in the middle of this forest. he tried to ignore the increasing tightness of his pants as they ventured further into the forest.

after a little while of just enjoying the sound of the branches swaying in the breeze and the birds chirping above them, they came across an opening to a little stream. there was a thick patch of grass and a tree trunk they could lean against while they watched the stream pass by. san suggested they take a rest for a while - but really it was just an excuse to be able to hold wooyoung in his arms again.

wooyoung happily fell into san's arms and laid his head back to look up into the bright sun.

"how are you feeling?" san whispered.

"like I'm happy to be here with you" wooyoung replied.

san let out a small giggle and let his wanting lips meet with wooyoung's. the kiss was sloppy but passionate and made wooyoung feel like he was the most important person in the world.

"I kinda wish we were in your room right now" he breathed as san began nuzzling into his neck.

"why would that be?" san replied, pretending not to know exactly what the younger was talking about. wooyoung just giggled shyly as he turned himself completely to be facing san.

"I want you so bad, sannie"

san smirked teasingly in the other's direction, "right here in the woods?" he laughed.

"no, no, of course not..."

"I think my professional reputation would be pretty ruined if someone found us"

wooyoung nodded but looked pretty disappointed - and san simply could not have that.

"hey, hey. I didn't say we couldn't do anything" san spoke as he leant forward suggestively.

"I want to do something for you, sannie", wooyoung couldn't believe his confidence, "you've done so much for me, I want to make you feel good"

"are you sure, baby?"

"if... if you want me to"

san couldn't deny that he wanted it a lot, so he began to unbuckle the belt around his jeans while giving wooyoung a look that was full of desire.

"what if I'm no good?"

"just the thought of your mouth around..." san trailed off. "you'll be great, baby"

wooyoung nodded and leant over to position himself. san also prepared himself and then winked at wooyoung for him to begin.

"wow... you're..."

san let out a loud laugh, and then remembered where they were and that realistically anyone could come along at any moment - but that made it all the more exciting.

"big?" he chuckled.

wooyoung just nodded, still in semi-disbelief.

"let's do it then, baby" san prompted.

and wooyoung finally took san's length between his lips and began to suck. having to stifle his moans was even more of a turn on from them both. at one point, san had to bite down on his hand to stop himself whining too loudly. wooyoung took this as a sign that he was doing well.

"shit, woo. you're too good at - ahhh - this"

san thought it must have been the best oral he had received in his whole life, and the praise made wooyoung feel incredible too.


after finishing up a little while later, wooyoung returned to his place in san's arms as the older sighed with pleasure.

"that was amazing, woo" san praised as he kissed wooyoung's forehead.

"did I do okay?" wooyoung enquired even though he already knew the answer.

"oh yeah, I could get used to that"

wooyoung really wanted to tell him that he could get used to it if he liked, but he just rested his head against san's shoulder and enjoyed the blissful moment.

"woo, I don't mean to ruin the moment but I have to tell you; I'm going away on a course tomorrow for a few days"

wooyoung immediately felt the disappointment sink in. he'd had san by his side almost non-stop for the past three weeks and he kinda didn't want him to ever leave. but he conceded that it would only be a few days.

"that's okay, sannie. but I'll miss you"

san pulled wooyoung in tighter at this. "oh, wooyoungie, I'll miss you more. but you're gonna be okay right? I'm gonna be worried about you"

"yeah, yeah - sure" wooyoung replied a little uncertainly.

san starting to run his fingers through wooyoung's shiny black hair to make him feel more at ease. "it will go super quick, I promise"

"if you say so" wooyoung pouted.

"hey, you'll still have me when I get back"

wooyoung didn't even think before he spoke; "I want you longer than that"

there was a moment of silence while san processed what he meant.

"woo? do you--" but he was interrupted by the sound of a family approaching.

the sun was beginning to set too and san suggested they head back to the car, feeling too nervous to bring up the conversation again.

during the drive home, as san sung along to all the songs the other played, wooyoung kinda wished they hadn't been interrupted in that moment. he wanted to tell san how much he had completely saved his life over the past few weeks and how he wanted to have him by his side,


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