
147 12 62

We are close to 100 reads already you guys! I'm so happy!! Thank you to everyone who has read it!! I love you so much!!

I'm sorry if I take too much time to update, but I have been a bit busy and I'm getting stumped while writing my books. I won't take a break so please don't worry. I will update and when I feel like it I may even give you double updates!


The next chapter contains Smut so if any of you are not comfortable with it, please let me know, I'll not put any plot points in it, so you can skip the chapter. You mean to me more than smut! I'll also put plot points, if any, in the beginning of the next chapter after smut so you don't need to worry about anything.

Hope you enjoy~~


अतितॄष्णा न कर्तव्या तॄष्णां नैव परित्यजेत्। शनै: शनैश्च भोक्तव्यं स्वयं वित्तमुपार्जितम् ॥
One should not keep desiring, but should not abandon desires altogether. Your earned money should be consumed slowly.

"Are you sure about this, Jin Hyung?" A male with very light brown hair asked the brunette. He sat on the bed of the latter, legs folded and hands laying in his lap. He looked at the brown-haired angel that sat on the windowsill, eyes tracing the small lights in the distance.

Astitva •Namjin/KookV• [Indefinite Hiatus/Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now