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स्वस्तिप्रजाभ्यः परिपालयन्तां न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः।
गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु॥
-May the well-being of all people be protected By the powerful and mighty leaders be with law and justiceMay the success be with all divinity and scholars, May all (samastāḥ) the worlds (lokāḥ) become (bhavantu) happy (sukhino).-


(FYI I need my notifications spammed with uwus)


Auburn spread through the skies, painting the streets orange as a dim glow fell on the realm. Dead leaves were spread out over the expanse of the large garden, covering every bit of dying grass. It was the season of leaving behind everything that held one back and weighted one down. 

A slight scent of moist soil was in the air, providing some solace in the otherwise chilly and dead time. Soft footsteps entered the cream coloured house, closing the door behind them and they ran around. Giggles filled the cold void, warming up the weather with the toasty smile. Light brown curtains ruffled as a blond head peeked out from behind them, immediately hiding back and pulling the cloth over them as Seokjin came into view.

"Taetae~ Where are you~," The angel asked in a sing-song voice as he spotted a pair of chubby feet peeking out from behind the curtain. He softly laughed in his palm as he kept up the act. "Eomma can't find you~"

The small entity put his chubby hand upto his mouth, trying to muffle his giggles. His eyes twinkled as he peeked out again, gasping as he spotted Seokjin and hiding behind the curtain again. He giggled again as he tried to get away before being caught but before he knew it, Seokjin had picked him up and twirled him around. "Found you!"

Taehyung giggled loudly as he held onto Seokjin with his small hands, keeping his head on the older's shoulders. He looked up at the older as Seokjin stopped spinning him around, doe eyes looking up at the angel cutely. "'gain!" He said happily, smiling widely. "You want to play again?" Seokjin asked, nuzzling his nose against Taehyung's, making the child giggle again.

Taehyung nodded his head vigorously, trying to slip out of Seokjin's embrace. The older let him go as the little entity looked here and there and waddled away cutely, continuing the game of hide and seek. 

Namjoon walked in, keeping his coat aside as he placed a large shopping bag next to the door behind his back. Neatly placing his shoes aside, he walked in, the shopping bag still behind him.  He stepped into the living room, immediately catching the eyes of Taehyung. The young entity ran upto him, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's leg as he looked up with his glittery eyes. 

"Appa!" He said happily as the older felt his heart melt at the sight. Taehyung's eyes were filled with adoration and love for the older, a beautiful smile spread out on his face. "Did you miss me?" At Taehyung's vigorous nod, Namjoon bent down, crouching in front of the younger as he returned the embrace. Pulling back, he smiled at his son, turning towards the bag.

Astitva •Namjin/KookV• [Indefinite Hiatus/Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now