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Michelle awoke with wide eyes and sweat covering her forehead. The apartment she lived in was silent. All that could be heard was the patter of rain hitting the windows and the bustle of New York below the many floors. Michelle turned her head to her right to check the time. 

6:30 am it read. Again, Michelle had risen 30 minutes before her alarm. Michelle relaxed her muscles and pushed away from the thoughts of her dream. Her eyes fluttered, then closed, deciding it wouldn't hurt to rest for a few more moments. Sometimes, she liked to imagine herself fading away as if she had never existed like she was never a parisite in everyone's life.

Michelle opened her hazel eyes again to see her clock had changed from 6:30  am to 6:53 am. Michelle sat up and ran a golden bronze hand through her curly brown hair as she released a sigh. Slowly, she removed herself from the warmth of her bed and rested her feet on the cold hardwood floor beneath her, which earned a shiver to run down her spine. 

Michelle went through her morning, doing the essential, like doing your business and brushing your teeth. Today, Michelle chose a white hoodie with a little graphic white and black photo of New York and a pair of black jeans, classic. Finally, to pull it all together, black converse. Michelle pulled her curly hair into a low ponytail and left a few strands of hair to frame her face.

Michelle really did not care what people thought of her. Nobody should. It's a waste of time, to think of the people who would tell you, "Hey, you look good today!" but they were really lying to your face just for their amusement. At the end of the day, they didn't matter. All that mattered is what you thought of yourself. 

Michelle left the comfort of her room and made her way into the pristine kitchen, but the kitchen never felt the same to Michelle. 

"Mom?" Michelle called out into the empty apartment.No response, of course, what else had Michelle expected? Michelle hadn't seen her mother in days. She was always working and barely paid Michelle any attention when she was home. 

Michelle grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl that sat on a table and took a bite from it. The sound of a juicy crunch echoed against the white walls that sent tingles through Michelle's body. It was always satisfying to Michelle, just to hear the crunch of an apple or a leaf you would find on the sidewalk.

Michelle left the kitchen and walked down the hallway that led to her front door. She picked a clear umbrella from a hook and hauled her backpack filled with all her school necessities and headed out to hell at exactly 7:30 am.


New York was a busy city indeed. This early, everyone was hustling to work and school, or perhaps a morning jog! But why did it have to be so loud? Michelle grumbled apologies to people she would occasionally bump into. Michelle didn't flinch when drivers honked and screamed profanities to each other. Michelle didn't give a glance to rats fighting over a piece of bread.

Michelle opened the door to a small coffee shop that made a cute little ding. The smell of coffee imminently hit her senses, it felt as if her spirits had been lifted! Michelle closed her umbrella and made her way to the cashier. Soft jazz played in the shop giving it a homey feel, but it didn't drown out the sound of employees making coffee or the slight chatter from customers. 

"Hello, what can I get you today?" The lady at the cashier asked Michelle with a smile. "A vanilla macchiato with suffice, thank you," Michelle stated as she set down a five-dollar bill before the lady. 

Michelle patiently waited for her coffee, and soon enough, a warm to-go cup of coffee rested in her palms. Michelle left the small shop and mentally stated she would return. Michelle re-opened her umbrella and walked down the street surrounded by people as she sipped on the hot drink.

Suddenly a scream ripped out in the air behind her. 

"Help! He stole my bag!" An old woman far behind her yelled desperately. Michelle could see a small speck quickly running down the street with a bag in the thief's clutches. Many by-standers lunged for him, but he dodged each one. Soon enough, he disappeared around the corner, he and the bag were gone.

Michelle shook her head in pity for the old woman. She knew there was nothing she could do for the woman so Michelle kept on walking. She was nearing the subway station but stumbled when a figure rushed past her. Michelle was barely able to keep her coffee from spilling. 

"Hey, watch it!" Michelle barked as she turned around with a scowl. The figure that had pushed her turned around with surprise written all over their expression. They wore a t-shirt with a stupid algebra pun on it and a hoodie that covered half their face. They also had slightly baggy jeans and a pair of worn-out looking sneakers. A backpack was slung over their shoulder that was slightly opened, Michelle saw a flash of red and blue in the bag but looked back at the person who had pushed her, they seemed to be in a rush.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to... Michelle?" They asked. Michelle imminently recognized that voice, how could she forget it, she had been hearing it since kindergarten. 

"Peter Parker."  Michelle spat.


Hello everyone, this is the official first chapter I hope you enjoyed!

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