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Michelle sipped her cup of tea whilst listening to conversations around her. Nothing of today was interesting, all that went on was gossip and stories. Sometimes, they'd be interesting, but Michelle had no care of what went down between Jacob and Victoria, whoever they were. 

She wished that she had a story to tell, but who would she tell it to? Michelle was a loner, no friends, no acquaintances, nobody, and Michelle was fine with that. But maybe, a small part of her, wished she had someone. The only thing holding her back was fear. 

Michelle turned her head at the sound of laughter to her right. Not far, Peter Parker and Ned Leeds sat a couple of table downs laughing together. Now that was what Michelle wanted, a stable relationship like those two. Michelle smiled to herself at the thought of having a friend before moving her attention back to her current novel she held. 

"Of Human Bondage" by William Somerset Maugham. Michelle had read the novel more than five times, and each time, she enjoyed it thoroughly. There was always something about it that lured her towards it. Maybe it was the fact that it was a potent expression of the powers of sexual obsession, or maybe it was that she strongly felt a connection to Phillip. Or perhaps it made her think of her father. The father that left. The father who she doesn't remember. All that Michelle knew, was that she held a beautiful world in her hands, a world that she would hold dear. 

Then, the bell rang, signaling lunch was over.


Michelle waited patiently with Mr. Harrington as everyone slowly filed into the room the school library reserved for decathlon practices. To make sure everyone was present, she did a headcount, but everyone wasn't present. 

The only person missing was Peter Parker.

Michelle sighed through her nose as she slumped down onto her seat. She could not believe him. This was the third time he hadn't shown up this month, and it was really beginning to get piss her off. Peter was like those people in group projects that never did their part, meaning, they were the most hated.

"Leeds, get over here," Michelle commanded from where she sat.

Michelle watched as the boy perked up at the sound of his name and made his way over to Michelle. Michelle straightened herself and gave Ned an annoyed look.

"Parker, where is he?" She asked, getting straight to the point. 

Ned averted his eyes and began fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Michelle knew he was nervous. Every time Peter didn't show up, she'd had to grill Ned about it. Sure, she did feel a bit guilty, Ned was innocent, but he was friends with Peter and most likely knew where he was. 

"Out..." Ned said hesitantly as he stared at the suddenly very interesting floor. 

This answer did not satisfy Michelle. 

"Doing what?" She asked folding her arms across her chest. 

"Doing errands!" He responded much too quickly. 

Number one in the book of lies. Never lie to a lie detector. Now, Michelle was no lie detector, but she could pinpoint any lie. Michelle is, well, a professional liar, and a professional lie detector. Michelle eyed Ned down before standing up. 

𝐹𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 | 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 & 𝑀𝐽Where stories live. Discover now