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"I know who you are, Spiderman."

Peter replayed that sentence over and over in his head. Peter grimaced at the sentence, he hoped this was all a nightmare, but the number of times Peter had slammed his fist against his bedroom wall out of anger had proved him wrong. Peter turned his head to see it was late in the morning still. Michelle and Ned had left not long ago, although Ned was hesitant to leave.

Peter sat up with a groan. It felt as if the universe was testing how much longer Peter could go on, the past few months had just been disaster after disaster. He wondered, how would Tony handle all of this? Peter swung his legs off his bed and rested his elbows on his knees as he held his head in his hands, a tear slipped out. Gosh, how Peter missed Tony.

Out of nowhere, Peter's phone rang, catching him off-guard. Peter was in no mood to have a conversation with anybody, but after seeing the ID caller, Peter knew instantly he had to take the call.

"Hello, Happy?"

"Peter! Have you seen the news today?" Happy asked through the phone.

Peter stood up and began to pace his bedroom, "Yes, of course, I have, Happy. What am I
going to do?" Peter said with a groan as he ran his hands through his unkempt curls. There was a long pause as Peter waited for Happy's response.

"Come over, I got something that may help you."


Peter landed with a grunt in his iron spider suit and raised his gaze towards the very building he never thought he'd return to. Before him stood the new avengers facility, the very place Tony had offered him his iron spider suit and a spot with the avengers, just for Peter to turn him down. Peter chuckled, thinking of Tony's shocked face, the face he'd no longer see.

Peter then turned to the front doors to see Happy Hogan waiting impatiently for him. Peter gave him a small wave as Happy merely scoffed and gestured for Peter to follow him into the building. Peter hurriedly walked behind Tony's friend and attempted small talk.

"How have you been, Happy?" Peter asked with a small smile.

Happy shrugged, "The same old I guess," he paused for a moment as he looked back at Peter trailing behind him, "Visited Morgan and Pepper a couple of times."

Peter watched Happy's back with a sad smile. He had only met Morgan once and didn't know Pepper well, but he felt as if he had a responsibility to keep them safe as well, just as Tony would've done. "That's nice," Peter muttered.

It wasn't long before the two had reached one of the many conference rooms the avenger's facility had to offer. As soon as Peter entered the room, his mask lowered down to his neck as he admired the view from the window. 

Peter took a seat beside Happy as he pulled up a holographic screen for both of them to view. With a swipe of Happy's fingers, a portfolio appeared along with a man wearing lab gear smiling straight into the camera.

"Dr. Davis, a scientist who worked around the lower compartment. He stopped showing up weeks ago," Happy informed Peter as he zoomed into the scientist's I.D.

"Ok, what's he got to do with my identity being revealed?" Peter asked.

"Be patient," Happy snapped as he pulled up a file reading "security footage." He unlocked it into a video labeled October 28th at 2:38 pm. A video took over a week ago.

Peter watched as the footage began to play. First, it was only the front doors of the building, nothing unusual, until a strange-looking man came forward with skin as white as snow. The man simply stood there for what seemed like hours until he snapped his head towards the camera as he began to...change. Peter leaned forward, mouth agape, as the man's appearance turned into none other than Dr. Davis. He looked exactly like him, an exact replica of the scientist.

Now, Peter had seen a great deal, for heaven's sake he's fought aliens, but this was something Peter had never seen before. Peter watched amazed as the man who was now "Dr. Davis" showed his I.D badge and walked into the facility with no problems at all with Tony's security. The cameras changed multiple times before he walked into a room labeled "security control room" before all the cameras went black.

The two sat at the table in silence for moments before Peter broke it, "What the hell was that?" He exclaimed.

Happy sighed as he zoomed into the grainy footage of the man, "We're not sure. We have everyone in the labs working on it, but nobody can find a clear answer as to what he is and how he turned into Dr. Davis." 

Peter slumped down into his seat, "What was his motive here? Was it him behind the bombing?" Peter thought aloud as he watched Happy tamper with the screen a bit more. 

Happy once again pulled up the photo of Dr. Mark Davis, "Again, I don't know Peter, but I'm afraid he's your responsibility to take care of."

Peter turned around and looked out through the window. Happy was right, it was his responsibility. Could he take this mystery villain though? He protected New York, but what protector was he if he couldn't have stopped the bombing? 

A soft pat brought Peter out of his thoughts. On his shoulder rested Happy's hand, it was unusual to see him showing any form of support for the young spiderling as he reassuringly patted his shoulder. 

"Tony would've believed in you, I believe in you too."


It's been a hot second. 

Alright, not a hot second, but three months. 

I apologize greatly for that! I know nobody enjoys when they're left on a cliff hanger, I was having issues introducing our new character. 

I don't exactly like this chapter, but I hope you guys do! I have a much better idea of how I'll introduce everything else, so you can expect more updates. 

Who do you think this new character is?

I'll see you guys around, bye-bye!

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