Volume 1 Ep. 3 - The Emerald Forest

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Emerald Forest

"Jeez... there were more than I thought..." I muttered as I watched the last beowolf whimper and fall dead. I looked back at the cliff where both Father and Glynda stood.

"I'm getting her back for sure..." I muttered as I looked up at a tall tree. 'Gotta find the temple.' I told myself as I climbed up the tree. As I broke the surface, I surveyed the forest as I heard faint sounds of guns and the Grimm growling in the distance.

Then, I caught the old temple in the distance. 'Oh... that's pretty far...' I thought to myself. 'But I have to get there...' I reasoned as I close my eyes and imagined myself in the middle of the temple.

I reopen my eyes and gained my understanding that I made it to the temple. I grasp my head as I tried to ignore the minor headache. I then saw the relics for this year on multiple platforms. I walked to one and grabbed it. I opened my palm and looked down at the relic.

"Chess pieces?" I queried as I held the white pawn piece in my hand. "Y/N? Is that you?" I heard a voice call out to me as I turn back in confusion. "Woah! It is you!" Yang exclaimed as she runs over to me.

"Man! You beat us here!" Yang commented as she playfully punches my arm. 'Ow...' I inwardly groaned as I rubbed my arm. "What do you mean by us?" I ask her.

"Oh! My partner, Blake!" She exclaimed as she turns back as I look behind her and see a black-haired girl walking her way over to us. "I'm Blake." She introduces herself. "I'm Y/N... as you most likely heard from Yang already." I introduced myself.

"So... what are the relics?" Blake asks me. "Oh," I let out as I showed them the pawn piece. "I guess their chess pieces. And, Yang, I don't think I'm the first one here." I told her as I pointed at four empty pedestals. "Oh..." Yang let out as I nodded.

"Well, you guys should go pick one." I advised them as I stepped out of the way. They did their thing as I looked out at the forest. 'Huh...?' I queried as I checked my surroundings.

'Something doesn't feel right...' I told myself as I continued to check for any Grimm or disturbances. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" A girl screamed in the distance.

"Some girl's in trouble! Blake, Y/N, did you guys hear that?" Yang notices as I nodded. "Yeah..." I uttered out as I noticed Blake looking up at the sky. 'What's she looking at...?' I queried as I looked up at the sky too.

My eyes widen as I see a figure falling towards the group. I squint my eyes at the falling figure. "Erm... Yang." I called out to her. "Yeah?" She queried as Blake pointed up at the figure. "Heads uuuuuu -- !" "Ruby?!" Yang let out.

Suddenly, Jaune appears out of nowhere and collides into Ruby knocking both of them off course. They crashed into a nearby tree as Yang, Blake, and I quietly look at them.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asks Yang. "I..." Yang starts but was cut off by Grimm growling and trees falling. I watched as an Ursa breaks through the trees and was shot by pink electricity currents.

"Yeehaw!" A voice exclaims as the Ursa falls onto the ground. The orange-haired girl from before rolls over the Ursa and stands in front of it. She then turned sad.

"Aww. It's broken." She commented. She goes back to the Ursa as the boy with long, ponytailed black hair from before appears behind it. "Eeeew..." She uttered as she looks at the deceased Ursa.

"Nora!" The boy exclaimed as he catches his breath. "Please... don't ever do that again." He continued as he didn't notice that Nora had made her way towards the temple.

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