chapter 3

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Elena entered the hospital with Adam following suit, she entered to meet all the nurses busy with either watching the television or gossiping, she was about to approach one when she heard her name on the television. On the television was Adam and herself, she knew this was going to happen but what moved her was the news headline which stated that 'could Michael really be back'.

"Who is Michael?". Adam asked making Elena jump from surprise, she had almost forgotten he was beside her, her little scream of shock seems to get the attention of all the nurses and the gossip heated up, all eyes were on them.

"They are here". "This is real". "oh my god, its Michael". "Has anyone seen my phone?". The nurses gushed around in what seems to be excitement and curiosity.

Then it came, it started with one flash then two then many more, Elena found her holding this stranger hand to assure him and herself that everything was okay.

"Please stop taking pictures, Adam here is hurt and he needs treatment quick". Elena pleaded but the only thing the nurses seems to have heard is the name 'Adam' because their gossip changed to why she called him Adam.

Elena grabbed Adams hand and was about to walk out of the hospital when she heard,

"The young lady said the man is in need of treatment and all you do is stand around and gossip". Elena was really grateful for the old man who spoke up for her and his wife who followed suit to help her husband voice get heard.

"What is going". A man stepped forward and one could tell he was the doctor, his words dragged when he saw Adam but he was quick to regain himself unlike the nurses "welcome, come with me".

"I'm still curious on how he got that injury but I wouldn't push, make sure he takes the mediation I gave you and come back in the next two days for follow up and I can say but not promise that his memories would be back to the way it was". The doctor said smiling.

"Thank you doc.". Adam said.

"Any time Michael and please call me Bruce".

"Why do every call him Michael, everyone but us seems to know'. Elena found herself asking again. Her father would be proud of her, he always likes it when she asks question in difficult times".

"You really don't know, do you?". Bruce asked and Elena was quick to shake her head no.

"Well standing before us here is the exact look alike of late Michael Jackson". Bruce said and peep out the window before excusing himself.

'That was totally impossible, Michael Jackson died when I was young and he wasn't a black, he doctor is just tolling around with...".

"Elena". Adam said bringing her out of her shocked mind again. "Who is Michael Jackson?".

"You really need to stop doing that".

"Doing what, you just zoned out on me". Adam defended himself.

"I don't know who Michael Jackson is but I know he isn't part of the living anymore". Elena said moving toward the window to get breeze to cool her heated up brain and that's when she saw them, men in black suit and black jeep shaking hands with the doctor, Elena needed no god to tell her they were here for herself and Adam.

"What's that". Adam asked and came to the window and saw for himself. "Holy shit, they are here for me right?". His voice showed deep concern

"I think so".

"Elena, I know we just met but please don't let them take me". Adam pleaded with fear.

"If they take you, you might get to meet your real family or know yourself better."

"No Elena, I don't think, please don't let them take me". Adam pleaded and tears filled his eyes.

"Alright Adam, I promise I wouldn't let them take you but right now we have to get out of here". She can swear she doesn't know why she was helping a complete stranger.

"get in here". they entered another patience room luckily for them the patience was sleeping or unconscious, Elena could care less, she had seen enough drama to last a lifetime for her

She wondered how a little stripper like her could get this popular in just one day.

"Now you do exactly as I say until we get home, okay?". She asked him, she knew the only way to get him out of their without being since is by doing exactly what she does. She entered the patient bathroom and there were about four hospital gowns hanging there, she smiled at him as an idea popped into her mind, she remove the IV from the patient finger and gave Adam a heavy book which she found on the side table.

"Nurses would be here in any second, smash their coconut head with this, we would steal their clothes and burst out from here, okay?". Elena told Adam, she wasn't sure her plan would work but it was the only thing she could thing off.

"What if more than two nurses come?". That was when Elena showed him her book.

Like predicted three nurses came in and the books did the work.

"Adam stop, she is already unconscious". Elena yelled when Adam was about to hit the woman one more time.

"Did you see the way she was taking pictures even when you told her to stop". Adam said and hit her again on the bottom this time making Elena roll her eyes.

They undressed two women and dressed them in hospital gown and yes they walked out of that hospital. They Got outside to see the cars were gone making Elena roll her eyes gain, she couldn't believe she just did all that for nothing.

When Elena got home the first thing she did was make dinner, then went on the internet to search for the name Michael Jackson, honestly she didn't know Michael too well, when she was young her parent made her believe he was in a satanic organization and always used his names as for boogie muster.

The people were right Adam did look exactly like Michael Jackson in his early twenties, which was really scary what if Adam was really Michael and what if Michael was really satanic. Then her life was in danger, a scary danger, she couldn't sleep, she watched Adam sleep afraid that he might wake up and turn into demon. Eventually she slept.

"Adam!". Elena yelled again, when she woke up this morning he was gone without a trace.

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