chapter 4

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"Adam!". Elena called out for the hundred time, she was kind of sad and at the same time happy that he was gone.

she pitied him a lot, this town wasn't for someone like him, he was kind hearten, soft and handsome and to top it all ignorant which wasn't good, there were a lot of female and male rapist around, thinking about this Elena couldn't take it again, she grabbed her bag and a spatula from the kitchen encase she needed to defend herself.

Elena took one last look at her house in case it might be the last, she did this every day after her dad died, her father was the only thing that kept her alive even now that he was dead, he was respected in the town but not by all.

"Yo bish wassup you know, I haven't seen you in a long time". Her landlord appeared in before her just as she shut the door. Derek was his name and just like Elena, his father the real owner of the building just passed away leaving his son to care for everything.

"Buzz off der." Elena rolled her eyes at boy who she grew up with, he was her only friend when she was a kid, she even had a crush on him once but when he became a teenager he became a complete jerk to Elena. He had joined his friends many times to laugh and bully her.

"Yo, yo, yo sup with da wood, you moving for war or something?". He asked her with his hands raised in a surrender sign.

"Imma go in search of someone, do you happen to see a man, short and ignorant". She asked him as she put the spatula in her bag.

"no crazy, rumors have it that our virgin here brought in a boy. It's alright I don't judge but I have seen a man, tall, handsome and d*ck okay". Derek smirks after speaking of himself.

"You are just f*cked up". Elena cussed at him and began toward the road.

"Watch it, words aren't allow to disvirgin the pretty little mouth of yours, papi already gave me the permit". At the mention of her father Elena stopped looked at him.

"What do you want Derek?". He was the only one in their neighborhood that she wasn't scare of, she knew him like the back of her palm, she knew the real him.

"I just missed my little sis. Nothing much now is there?.

"Adam!". Elena called while looking around. She had always thought of Derek in more than a brother, sister way.

"You know the hood doesn't like too much noise and I can't protect you from the people, neither can your spatula". Adam pointed out and Elena seems to reason for a bit. It was true the hood didn't like noise especially at broad day light.

"So your point is?".

"I could help you find him, I know a guy who know sees everything bout this place". His offer was tempting but she'd be stupid to agree.

"Adam!". Elena called again after covering a distance. "I rather shout Derek, we both know that nothing nice can come out of you.

"I'm wounded but anyway I need your rent".

"Don't be unfortunate Derek". Elena rolled her eye, she was glad she didn't fall for his little talks. "My rent doesn't end until December and its October".

"I know but I need it now". He pocketed his hands and turned a 360.

"I don't have your money till December, sorry no drugs for you till December". She took a wild guess of what he wanted to use the cash for.

Derek stopped moving and looked at Elena seriously. "What did you say?".

Judging by the serious looks on his face Elena could tell she was right, he needed the money for drugs. "Oh please Derek everyone knows you do drugs". Elena whispered.

"Adam!". She called out again.

"Bitch you crazy, fuck wrong with you. Dee feed your b*tch some meat". Said mercury and his friend who just came out of their house obviously angered by Elena's noise, he was Derek friend or at least Elena thought he was

"I'm not hungry, mercury". Elena defended herself pretending not to know the meaning of what he had just said.

"Then quit the screaming, who de f*ck is Adam?".

"He is my fri...".

"Her dog". Derek cut Elena off.

"If de dog really like you, if will find you. You don't have to wake all grannies from sleep pretty". Mercury friend spoke up with a smirk. "Call me Tony".

"She didn't ask you, bro". Derek spoke up. "We got some shite to care for, Elena come". He did some brothers shake and hug before pulling Elena from their present.

"Why are you disturbing me? Why didn't you let me tell him bout Adam". Elena yelled after covering a good meter away from mercury and tony.

"He is my bro, crazy. I know him well, he would find Adam and exhort from Michael Jackson's family". Derek said making Elena shocked.

"How did you know about it". Elena was quick to ask."

"Your face is all over the news crazy, a storm is coming so we better head back".

"More reason why we should find him quickly". Elena pleaded with Derek.

"Not now Elena".

"Adam, where are you!!!?". Elena held back a defended sob. "Adam!, Adam!, Adam!". Elena screamed his name with her throat before squatting down to cover her eye which couldn't contain her tear, she felt it was her fault he ran away from her.

"Com' on get up, the storm is here". Derek raised her by her arm and they began back home.

Approaching their home Elena saw a crowd by her doorstep taking picture and knocking. The reporters had found her house, she took a step forward and a black suv parked at her front, two white men in black suit stepped out and Derek saw himself pushing Elena behind him.

"Miss we need you to come with us". One of them spoke up as they showed badges in a flash.

"Why?, who are you people?". Elena's heart beat faster as she asked.

"Agent Colson with the shield and some random dude". Derek replied her sarcastically. "Believe me she a'int got the dude no more, he ran away from her bitchy ass".

One of them shoved Derek away and pushed Elena into the black suv.

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